A strong sediment eruption of Turrialba volcano yesterday afternoon forced the CNE to evacuate two villages close to the mountain and take preventive measures, fearing a possible emergency of greater magnitude.
A total of 40 people in the neighborhood of the plant and the Retreat, located in the very slopes of Turrialba, were taken from their homes and taken to community halls in Santa Cruz and La Pastora, in Turrialba.
Authorities reported the fall of a “whitish powder, darkening with rain in places like Three Rivers in the area of La Unión, Cartago 27 miles southwest of the volcano.
“It is a sandy material. Furthermore, the sulfur smell is very intense, “said Guido Montenegro Vega de la Cruz Roja de San Rafael de Oreamuno.
“The CNE activated the Emergency Committee of Turrialba and sent its liaison officers and geologists to assess the ground situation,” Reinaldo Carballo, a spokesman for the Commission.
Experts from the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (OVSICORI) of the Universidad Nacional (UNA), warned that it is “new energy”. The last eruptions were similar in 1864 and 1866.
According to reports from neighbors, the expulsion of the material, described by experts as “white powder” continued unabated between 1 pm and 3 pm.
Duarte said he believes that it is not ash, but said he will be up this morning to inspect the main crater of Turrialba which has in increased activity for two years.
The expert was clear that measuring equipment they have in the volcano clearly indicate that “something is moving” inside the mountain.
“We do not know yet what kind of material there is and in what quantities. There is a singular change in the conditions of the volcano, it is very clear, “says Duarte.
Last night, at 7 pm, the mayor of Turrialba, Alfonso Perez, turrialbeños asked for “calm and quiet” and said authorities now have greater clarity about the emergency. The city of Turrialba is located 24 km south of the volcano.