This 26th, 27th, and 28th of September, the First Latin American Congress of Sustainability, Ecology, Evolution, Business Transformation was held in the facilities of Parque Viva.

The Costa Rica News had the pleasure of attending and appreciating each of the exhibitions presented by: Arthur Huang (Ceo Miniwiz) Magician of the Circular Economy, Mathis Wackernagel (Ceo Global Footprint Network) Creator of the Ecological Footprint Concept and René Castro (Assistant Director of the FAO) Eco Competitiveness, all of them with a wide knowledge that goes hand in hand towards a sustainable future where the evolution and transformation of businesses play an important role.

Costa Rica continues to be a country that motivates and promotes great ecological projects, where each specialist and participant to this kind of events contribute with just being “present”, to then take each learning path on their way of productive growth.

“At Resonance Costa Rica, we strive to live in harmony with the natural world. This is a reflection of our gratitude for life. We are a co-inspired community, devoted to working, living and learning together.”
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