
    Stressful Life: 10 Ways to Ease your Stress

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    When faced with uncertain life events, it is hard not to get stressed. Typically, stress symptoms are your body’s way of responding to some pressing life challenges. Stress can be helpful in small levels but can be dangerous if it takes too long to resolve. Even so, understanding your stressing factors and how to manage the stress is very crucial.

    What Are the Main Types of Stress?

    Stress present in three different types: episodic stress, acute stress, and chronic stress, as stipulated by the American Psychological Association (APA).

    • Acute stress: This type of stress is the most common of the three types of stress. It occurs when you’re pressured by recent, present, and near-future situations.

    For instance, when you’re overwhelmed by getting stuck in traffic, arguing with your spouse, and meeting deadlines, among others. Getting stressed over such things is advantageous because they inspire you to press on and accomplish important things.

    • Episodic Stress: For this type of stress, you are constantly subjected to frequent acute stress by present stressing factors. You become inundate  to meet many demands, thus making you live a life full of chaos and pressure.
    • Chronic Stress: When you experience stress for a long time, the stress becomes chronic. Stressing triggers that cause long-term helplessness including unemployment, emotional and physical abuse, substance abuse, unstable marriage or family, and poverty. This is the most hazardous type of stress and can result in serious problems if left unsolved.

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    How Will I Know that I Have Stress Symptoms?

    In most cases, people experience stress-related symptoms but cannot tell whether it is stress or another health condition.  This results in failure to manage the stress on time, thus resulting in the development of irreversible health complications. To help you tell if you’re stressed, below are some of the common stress symptoms:

    • Physical Symptoms: Palpitations, high-heart rate, breathing difficulties, headache, diabetes, elevated blood pressure, muscle cramps, digestion problems, stomach ulcers, sexual dysfunction, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.
    • Psychological Symptoms: Depressed mood, irritability, memory loss, chronic anxiety, personality disorders, inability to concentrate, depression, irrational decision-making, and sleeping problems.
    • Behavioral Symptoms: Impaired socialization, unhealthy eating behaviors, substance abuse, missing work or classes, being unkempt and disorganized.
    Stressful Life 10 Ways to Ease your Stress
    Photo: Pixabay

    Stress is indeed unavoidable, and the best way to live a fulfilling life is by learning how to manage it. Let’s discuss ten proven ways to alleviate your stress symptoms:

    1. Consume a Healthy Diet

    Sometimes, when people are stressed, they adopt unhealthy eating habits such as binge eating and eating less than the recommended amount. It is worth knowing that having unhealthy nutrition will only aggravate your stress levels.

    Therefore, it is imperative to change to a balanced recipe and drinking plenty of water every day. Eating a healthy diet will not only help you with combatting stress but will also boost your overall health.

    2. Create a To-Do-List

    If your stress emanates from having too many life demands and deadlines, creating a to-do-list will be helpful. Jotting down your activities in order of priority will help you to avoid last-minute rush and unnecessary stress. Additionally, if your duties are too many for a single person, consider delegating some of them to someone else.

    3. Talk to Someone

    When going through a stressful situation, it is advisable to discuss the problem with someone else. Whether it’s your friend, relative, or a therapist, opening up to another person will help relieve the stress tension. Talking to a friend can be beneficial because they will help you cope or offer you a solution.

    4. Engage in Active Physical Activities

    One of the perfect ways to ease mental stress is by performing physical exercises. Typically, performing exercises promotes your mental well-being by decreasing cortisol release, which is a stress hormone. Additionally, exercising will help you enhance your sleep and will trigger the release of mood-stabilizing chemicals known as endorphins.

    5. Join a Yoga Class

    Individuals across all age groups can practice yoga to relieve their stress.  Yoga has proven to be effective in promoting physical, spiritual, and mental welfare. Practicing yoga will help you connect your mind with your body by increasing breathing and body consciousness. This exercise acts on your nervous system and  relieves any existing tension.

    6. Get an Emotional Support Animal

    Did you know that spending time with an emotional support pet can help you manage stress? Well, such animals are globally used by people going through a stressful life. Playing with them, cuddling, and talking to them enhances a positive mood, brings joy, provides comfort and a sense of security.

    7. Visit a Massage Spa

    Studies show that massage therapy is effective in easing stress. Usually, massage involves soft and deep rubbing and pressing of muscles, skin, and tendons. This technique alleviates stress tension and gives you an energized and relaxed feeling.

    8. Use Aromatherapy

    You probably did not that aromatherapy is a great natural stress reliever. This technique involves using aromatic products such as plants, fragrances, bath products, and oil to enhance psychological or physical welfare. When overloaded with stress, you can inhale some natural aromatic extracts and get a stress relief.

    9. Set Aside Time for Leisure

    As you work hard to make ends meet, it is easy to forget that you need a breather. Creating time for leisure activities is vital when managing stress. While the uncertain times and derailing economy can be overwhelming, engaging in some hobbies or activities is essential. Whether it’s walking your pet, bike riding, or art work, scheduling for your leisure activities will make your life better.

    10. Determine the Stress Factors

    Sometimes, identifying the cause of the stress will help you determine how to manage it. You can start by writing down some of the things you suspect are overwhelming you with tension. Additionally, it is advisable to cut of stressing factors such as a toxic relationship. While you might love someone very much when your sanity and overall health are threatened, it’s better to avoid such a relationship.

    When you try stress-relieving techniques and behaviors but still feel overloaded by stress, seeking medical attention is a perfect option. A professional has the know-how to improve your mental health. If you cannot control your stress, contact a reliable psychiatrist in your area and get the help you deserve.

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