Stage 0 breast cancer is yet another form of medical bullying towards the female body.
I had never heard of this ( is it just a term in the US ? ) until last week.
I was at a dinner table with a couple whom had flown down from the states to work with me for the weekend.
Since then as I have mentioned it to others I am hearing horrifying stories of women butchering their breasts off “Just n case” they may get cancer.
Is there a stage 0 prostate cancer?
Thus far I have not been able to find such a term for the male equivalent.
I doubt any time soon the medical boards will be pushing men to remove any part of their genitals or body parts “in case” they could get ill.
Women are conditioned from a very early age that they are a problem to fix.
We are told, bullied, and harassed to modify, cut, tuck, inject, flood our systems with hormones to cease the most misunderstood magic of our bleed and basically diminish our wildness at all costs.
Education is held from us, pays is lessened towards us, and violence is expected to be unloaded onto us just because we are female.
We are not walking problems that need to be fixed by a patriarchal medical system.
We need to take the stand ourselves and seek the support of women that allow us to slow down, listen within and connect to our lands.
The true revolution of mankind lies within us and our sovereignty over our bodies, our health, our wealth and our org*sm.
If you are a woman currently being bullied by the medical system with a stage 0 diagnosis and know deep in your heart that there is another way, you can reach out and connect with Carrie who has been through this herself and is now creating her mission on this planet to support women not have to go down this road.
Carrie is passionate about supporting women to take back their Autonomy around their pleasure.
This month in the all women’s private Facebook group “Inside The Pleasure Studio “ is Breast month.
For the whole year of 2022, I am creating the 12 months of 2022.
During January I will be posting different breast massages, ways to connect with breasts, and information about our breasts.
I am also holding an all men’s class just before Valentine’s day on how to give an orgasmic breast massage.
So if you have a lover that is male that would love to join that let me know and I can get those details to you also.
I will also be placing it here at some time in the future.
In the meantime get your sexy arse over into “Inside the Pleasure Studio” where we can get juicy and supportive around our breasts,
Always with Pleasure