One of the first effects that a gastric bypass produces is on the skin, and is mainly due to the bad absorption of nutrients that occurs after the intervention.
The skin has the ability to expand its surface as we increase in volume and gain weight, and in the same way, it reduces and adapts to our body as we lose weight.
However, when a large amount of weight is lost suddenly by gastric bypass placement, there are consequences for the skin that cannot keep up with a natural rhythm.
The changes it produces in the skin are a consequence not of the intervention but rather to the dryness of the skin. People who have undergone gastric bypass are reported to have poorer absorption of nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins. Making the skin look dry and giving the impression that it flakes or breaks easily as a result of the lack of fatty acids of vitamins such as A, B, E and K.
The skin most affected is in the areas of the arms, legs and abdomen, which is where the sagging skin will be most noticeable.
Furthermore, the impact will depend not only on the extent of the surgery, but also on the type of skin. In this way, young people have the least negative impact. With the proper exercise routine, your skin will recover quickly and you hardly will suffer from any other types of problem.
Hanging leather
In spite of everything, especially in the case of extreme obesity, in which, after a gastric bypass the patient can lose 60-80 kilos, the appearance of large skin folds in different parts of the body, may be inevitable.
And this may be a problem that goes even beyond the loss of self-esteem, since those folds can cause major dermatological problems such as chafing, dermatitis and fungi infection.
This is a problem that is especially relevant when it comes to the abdominal apron. In these cases you will have to consult with a plastic surgeon and assess the possibility of undergoing a tummy tuck or reconstructive surgery to remove excess skin.
The scars are the tribute that must be paid, although these will always be very thin and will give as much concealment as possible in plain sight.
It all depends on the type of skin
With the above, it is clear that the most abrupt change experienced by the gastric bypass patient is evident in his skin, tissue that is affected by the loss of those excess kilos, manifesting itself with the classic image of flaccidity in the arms, legs and abdomen.
For young people and those who have regularly exercised, when undergoing a gastric bypass the skin is not so loose. But in the case of older people and does who do not exercise, after gastric bypass surgery, everything will hang loose and reconstructive surgery will be strongly recommended.