The “Mente en Acción” program seeks young women between the ages of 15 and 19 interested in developing technical and strategic skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). They will receive training for 11 weeks where they will make a mobile application prototype in groups.
The girls will also learn about Thunkable X programming and Design Thinking, gender empowerment and personal leadership. Once they complete this process, they will be part of the National Network of Women in Science and Technology. In addition, they will have opportunities such as academic scholarships, certifications, internships, and job opportunities in technology companies.
Melissa Monge, executive director of Ideas in Action explained that the program is hybrid, that is, sometimes attendance is face-to-face and other times it will be online. “We can have that power of face-to-face, with which it is possible to create a strong network of girls and a cohesive group, combined with the maximization of resources from virtual sessions, where the girls do not have to invest additional time traveling, but instead they can make the most of the time”, explained Monge.
How to take part of it
Women who are interested should fill out the form available at this link: It is essential to be available to connect every Saturday, from May 13th to July 14th, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 5 pm. Additionally, they will connect to the introductory session on May 10 at 5 p.m. and be willing to invest 2 hours into the program, during the week. It is necessary to have internet access that allows you to participate in the virtual sessions.
In 2018, KeniaSamudio was one of the contest participants who confessed that what she learned during the program helped her in soft skills and technical training, when programming in Python, HTML, Java, and App Inventor. “She was also a fundamental part in having an advanced level of Excel and sowed in me the seeds of Continuous Improvement and Data Science”, she said. Currently, she works in one of the sponsoring companies of the program.
MenTes en Acción is carried out thanks to Accenture, IBM, P&G and Emerson, and is also carried out in partnership with Efecto Boomerang.