
    Oyster Farming: Socioeconomic Alternative for Communities on the Costa Rican Pacific Coast

    A new productive activity that energizes a social solidarity economy in marine-coastal territories

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    This work accompanies undertakings by coastal groups dedicated to the cultivation of curly oysters (Magallanagigas) in long line suspended systems. It began with the biotechnological development validated in the cultivation methodology and closed-cycle seed production and after the presentation of the results, it encouraged different groups of artisanal fishermen and heads of households to approach the National University in search of support for the assessment. of the site where the installation of farms for the cultivation of oysters is planned.

    The survey of environmental parameters is carried out with interested people, this allows them to have a technical criterion of the site. The product is a report that provides the registered information and the technical assessment of the site. If this is suitable for its development, the group is accompanied in the search for financing, presentation of the proposal, documentation, purchases, construction, installation and start-up of the project; In addition, they are supported with the delivery of the respective reports to the financing source.

    Likewise, they participate in learning about production management and the quality of the final product; This includes: traceability in planting lots, sales sizes, safety protocols and monitoring of toxic algal blooms. In addition, workshops are provided on good practices for organizational strengthening, sales management and finances.

    Artisanal fishermen

    The main actors and direct beneficiaries in this work are artisanal fishermen, heads of households, families from groups from eight communities on the Pacific coast, as well as the commercial value chain, suppliers, restaurants and other niches in the national market.

    Significant training

    The actors that make up the cluster are the oyster farming enterprises, the National University, public institutions and NGOs. Thanks to this coordination, Costa Rica registers nine oyster farms, a National Laboratory Specialized in the Production of Oyster Seed (LANPSO), a traceability strategy in the prevention and surveillance of toxic algal blooms and monitoring of phytotoxins in meat, a center for microbiological purification of bivalve mollusks, training of about 60 people from different communities in the implementation of good practices for the cultivation and sale of oysters. The objective of this effort is to contribute to the development of mariculture as a new productive activity that energizes a social solidarity economy in marine-coastal territories.

    Resonance Costa Rica
    At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. Visit and subscribe at Resonance Costa Rica Youtube Channel
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