Nowadays breasts play a very important role in the physical aspect of each woman, so they should pamper them as much as possible because it is a very important part of their body. Since breasts highlight feminine beauty, more so if they are well cared for and pampered the beauty of each of them will be highlighted even more.

Yes, of course, you let your breasts move freely when you take off your bra at night, but you’re missing something important if that’s the only time you do it. Enjoying your breasts makes you feel satisfied with your body because you are accepting who you are. They also improve your comfort level during sex, helping you to reach orgasm more often. Here we present a small list of how to take care and pamper your breasts in a way to take advantage of your charms.
–- Take an exfoliating shower, and put a little Vaseline on your nipples to preserve their natural color. Apply self-tanning lotion to your breasts, leaning them forward a few minutes to dry evenly.
–- Master the art of using adhesive tape: It will help keep everything in its natural state. A tip that makes you look voluptuous: stand before a mirror under a light, apply suntan powder on the dark areas that form between the breasts, by deepening the shadows with the bronzing powder breasts will look fuller.

–- Apply lotion or cream and give them a massage. Performing a circular movement and a medium pressure, rub the base of the breasts along the outer corners, stopping just below the armpits. Then put your hand on the sternum and rub the center and then slide them to the sides of your body.
–- Experiment with different textures, that will feel better on the sensitive skin of your breasts. Be creative using everything you have at your fingertips: a silk handkerchief, a leather glove or a soft tissue coverlet.
–- Sprinkle a little baby powder between your breasts when you go to the gym to keep them dry when you start to sweat. Relax completely. Go without a top in the gym sauna and simply close your eyes and let them pamper themselves.
–- Humidities for the breasts on very hot days, make them sweat and clog their pores. Make an exfoliation of the breasts, wrapping them in a hot towel, in the style of a spa, for several minutes. Then rub them with a very gentle exfoliating cream. Rinse and apply a moisturizer.
–- When your breasts hurt due to menstruation, wrap each one in a leaf of lettuce and keep them there until they go relax.
–- Give your breasts a healthy glow by spraying bright powders on them. Give your breasts a sexy sports bra and use them to go jogging or to the gym. Take a sunbath with your breast exposed, do not forget to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 45.
–- After spending a hot day doing errands, wrap each breast in a damp towel and let them pamper for a while until they are rested.

–- Do pectoral exercises and see how erect they can become.
–- Sleep with your breast free so that they breathe better.
–- Get undressed and stay in your underwear in front of a mirror to perfect your sexiest pose experience with different angles and raising or tilting the hip. Then use the most convenient pose if you want a night of passion with your partner.
–- Take a picture alone, with your breast exposed and store it in a safe place. Then when you are about 70 years old, you will be delighted to see how well they looked. Very good for your self-esteem.