Under the rectory of the Ministry of Health, the Law for the Promotion of Health Tourism Services of Costa Rica, creates the Inter-Institutional Commission for Health Tourism Services. This will seek to energize the sector by generating public policy and actions in favor of the development and growth of this market niche in small and medium-sized companies.
Said Commission has the following objectives: to encourage and promote health tourism services and their development at a national and international level; articulate actions between public and private actors of a national scope to promote public-private alliances that favor the development of health tourism throughout the country and promote public and private investment, productivity, employment and diversification of the country’s tourism offer, in order to generate sources of employment, and the well-being of users and providers of health tourism services.
The Commission is also made up of representatives from Comex, ICT, Procomer, Cinde, the Costa Rican Chamber of Health (Promed), the Costa Rican College of Physicians, the Costa Rican Wellness Tourism Association (Wellness Costa Rica) and Canatur.

It is worth mentioning that the representatives and their alternates will perform their functions ad honorem and will not receive allowances or remuneration for their participation.
Regarding financing, the Inter-institutional Commission for Health Tourism Services may make use of the existing financial and administrative resources of the organizations and entities that make up this body. In addition, the head of the Ministry of Health is authorized to determine the required budget in coordination with the members. Finally, inter-institutional agreements, strategic alliances or public-private alliances may be established. The new law will also promote the development of corporate social responsibility programs by member companies of the network of health service providers.