The ‘Soy Valentía’ Program in Costa Rica offers young women to learn tools in order to be leaders in their communities. This leadership program is intended for young migrant, Afro-descendant and indigenous women, and it extended its registration period until September 23rd, 2022.
Through 10 virtual workshops, young women between 14 and 23 years old will be able to learn about useful tools on topics such as: developing a life plan, decision making, maintaining healthy relationships, creating limits, teamwork, sorority, speeches hate, migration and prevention of xenophobia and discrimination. “Valentía is a character who looks for girls, who, like her, want to transform realities and wants to develop a plan together with them to change the world. Women must reach decision-making and leadership positions, and in this context, adolescent girls have a lot to contribute to building more resilient, equitable and sustainable communities”, explained Amanda Arroyo, Director of Programs at Nosotras Women Connecting.
This program, supported by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of Population, Refugees and Migration of the United States Department of State, began on September 24 and will end on November 25 of the current year. Sessions are planned every Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to 11 a.m. “Girls experience exclusive problems due to their condition as women and girls, so awareness and sensitization is important, in order to be attended to in a comprehensive manner and from the specificity. Soy Valentía allows them to validate their rights to participate, express their opinions and express their feelings”, said Gloriana López, Minister of Children and Adolescents.

Those who wish to participate in the program must meet these requirements:
• Being a woman between 14 and 24 years old.
• Residing in Costa Rica.
• Having the skill to speak, read, and write Spanish.
• Having the commitment to attend all workshops.
• Having Internet to use it through a smartphone, tablet or PC.
For application forms, ‘Soy Valentía’ offers a link, where the registration form can also be found.