The district of La Fortuna will host the launch of the “Ecomunidades” Program, promoted by the National Directorate for Community Development (DINADECO) and the Integral Development Association of La Fortuna (ADIFORT) on August 30th and 31st, 2019, in the frame of the 50th Anniversary of ADIFORT.
Ecomunidades is a national program promoted by DINADECO as part of the country strategy to help reverse the rates of contamination by waste. This initiative will allow the communities to develop a socio-productive model for the disposal of these materials.

The main focus of this initiative is to involve development associations in the collection and proper disposal of recyclable waste, market them in the national market and participate in a socio-productive model that allows them to boost territorial development and the circulation of resources in their regions.
Ecomunidades considers the selection, induction, and training of development associations, by empowering them to administer a collection center and/or properly dispose of the valuable waste and install collection centers duly equipped for their proper operation in their area of action.
The program is characterized by creating a multilevel solid waste management system that includes: Eco-household, Eco-community, Eco-business, and Eco-industry. Operates in a network, defines models of waste collection centers, establishing levels of operation and processing.
Ecomunidades works in a coordinated manner with the community development organizations, which will have the backing of the institutions and financing for the development of projects for the collection and sale of recyclable waste.
The program will start in La Fortuna de San Carlos, a community that will be a pilot and where the first Solid Waste Recovery Center will be opened, managed by a community development association with the support of DINADECO.

Franklin Corella, Executive President of DINADECO told the Region that the program that will be promoted throughout the country, has a business approach, which seeks the benefit of both families and communities, that is, it works as a circular economy.
Ecohogares, eco-companies, and eco-industries will be given a bonus or loans to purchase goods or equipment that lower carbon levels. Communities will also benefit from incentives for the creation of community projects. Corella said that the municipalities are also involved in the management of solid waste, in such a way that a joint effort is made between the public, private and community sectors.
The Ecomunidades Program is the product of the articulation with other institutions or private entities: Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), Ministry of Health, Municipal Development and Advisory Institute, Banco Popular, Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Commerce, Technological Institute of Costa Rica (TEC), and private companies.
In our country, 4,000 tons of ordinary daily waste is generated; 25% of this is deposited in rivers, vacant lots and roads, and only 1.26% is properly processed (Source: National Decarbonization Plan). In this regard, Costa Rica will develop an integrated waste management system based on the separation, reuse, revaluation, and final disposal of maximum efficiency and low emissions.
Being co-responsible in the fulfillment of the mentioned plan, DINADECO established as a strategic action to contribute with the proper management of solid waste and designed Ecomunidades.