Being spiritual does not imply religion or philosophy; however, they are related because it makes us aware that “something connects us” and prompts us to ask ourselves very personally about the how, why, and for what of our goals.
Spirituality is a dialogue between personal and social values, in which we live and yearn for. Finally, it condenses into the capacity for discernment; it is the evidence that we develop our consciousness and that we do not exist “just because.”
How does spirituality impact the human being?
The importance of spirituality is such that it will possibly protect us from dangers, as it is a fact that it will save us from living a life devoid of purpose, love, and happiness. Moreover, it leads us to choose what truly satisfies us.
It also regulates our emotions and thoughts, allowing us to find answers to questions that keep us awake at night and helps us make sense of what we experience.
How to cultivate spirituality?
It is always a good time to start cultivating spirituality. It’s never too late, nor are you too old, but the sooner the better. At the same time, it is not a value learned in school, but in the intimacy of home and alongside our closest people.
It is the safest place to become aware of our connection with everything and everyone around us. It is also our parents or closest people who help us listen more clearly to the voice of our soul and understand its longings. Maintaining this intimate dialogue that doesn’t even need words is our choice and responsibility.
Spirituality is cultivated in many ways. Here are some examples:
Establish an honest and constant dialogue with yourself. Acknowledge your fears, your most important values, your own way of seeing the world.
Approach God, follow His commandments, and be good people.
Practice and spread respect for animals and all living beings.
Practice the highest values: charity, honesty, solidarity, and humility.
Talk to God and spend time with nature, animals, children, and people in vulnerable situations; they have much to contribute to our spirituality.
Spirituality invites action. It leads us to be part of the changes the world needs, as we understand that we can only grow in community, hand in hand. Learn how we bring the works of mercy to life at Cáritas de Monterrey and we invite you to join us as a volunteer or by making in-kind or monetary donations. With your help, we will be able to continue benefiting thousands of people who face some form of social deprivation.