Before choosing an ideal pet, important aspects must be taken into account; First of all, you must consider whether you are ready to have it. Pets are not sought to be acquired on impulse, this is due more to a careful decision-making process, taking into account the time available to care for the animal.
Before making the decision you must ask yourself: what space do I have? This goes in hand with the size of the pet that you choose; If you choose a large pet for a small area, it is important to note that you must have time to take the animal out at least twice a day to relieve itself.
On the other hand, another question would be, does my family agree with this decision? Since a member might disagree, this would bring discomfort for both the owner and the pet, sometimes the animal could receive mistreatment of that person for not wanting to have it at home.
Having an animal, no matter how small, entails a good diet, personal hygiene (nails, ears, baths, and in the case of furry animals, they must have constant visits to the hairdresser), assistance to the veterinarian, to have control of the necessary vitamins and vaccines avoiding possible diseases.
All these factors limit having a pet at home but not in your life, since, not having the possibility of meeting these requirements, there is the option of sponsoring a pet (it is about having a pet indirectly).
Having a pet at home has multiple benefits, and it has been scientifically proven that within the psychological aspect, it reduces stress levels, its owners are less likely to suffer from depression and even improve their social life, being happy people and with a better spirit; Now people seek enjoyment through social networks, creating Facebook or Instagram accounts for their pets where they publish the mischiefs pets do in their day to day.
On the other hand, there are pet clubs, which are essential to share experiences and doubts about the care of them, these sometimes belong to veterinarians who contribute their knowledge to the owners. “At all times these little living beings bring happiness to people, because they do not know falsehood, they only give sincere love.
Pets, give love, and therefore must receive love, the main care must be to have a regular control with the veterinarian to guarantee their health. Good nutrition also guarantees a long life, its owner must have time to take it out to do exercises, otherwise they will not be able to channel the energy that they would burn with their daily walks or their games sessions, resulting in an anxious load that most of the time translates into aggressiveness.
Making the decision to have a pet does not require a specific moment, the decision can be made at any time in life “yes, whoever decides to have a pet must be a responsible person, in order to guarantee the happiness of the animal. Do not do it on impulse because pets are not a toy”.
Pets, friends or enemies of children
Friends at all times, pets teach children the stages of life, since they are puppies, children see them, their growth and sometimes their death; giving them to understand that death is part of life. The dog teaches them to give and receive love, it gives them happiness, fun and protection.
With regard to health, children improve their immunity from a very young age and it is also the responsibility of the parents and the owner to keep the dog healthy, free of parasites, fleas, ticks, among others. They should not leave the care of the dogs in the hands of a small child, only creating the responsibility of placing water or food in their plates is the most ideal.
Recommendations on Buying or Adopting
Please! Adopt. Shelters are crowded, many animals are homeless. Also give old dogs the opportunity to know what it is to have love, many have been thrown into the street since they were puppies and have not been able to know a home and most die without getting to know it.
I recommend that you do not try to solve a Christmas gift with a pet, unless you are taking into account the responsibility that this requires, and after having made this important decision together as a family.