Despite the fact that aging is something natural, there are certain behaviors that help to have a healthy life and delay its first signs for a few years. Aging is one of those aspects that cannot be changed, no matter how much effort is made, because over the years the human body gradually wears out, and this is more noticeable in the physical aspect.
Wrinkles and expression lines appear due to a lack of collagen
Wrinkles are a natural part of aging and, as time progresses, they are most likely to be seen more and more, as the skin becomes less elastic and more fragile, while the decrease in natural oils dries it out and makes it look more wrinkled. “Wrinkles are lines and folds that form in the skin. Some wrinkles can become cracks or deep grooves and can be particularly noticeable around the eyes, mouth, and neck”.
Despite the fact that genetics mainly determines the structure and texture of the skin, in addition to the fact that, as already mentioned, its wear and tear over time is normal, there are certain habits that help old age arrive faster than usual and, in some cases, it is diagnosed as premature aging.
Human brain activity
It is considered that someone ages prematurely when the appearance of the skin changes and it appears as if it were older. According to the magazine of good habits Better with health, “today most people take more care of themselves than previous generations did.”
At this point, habits are fundamental, both good and bad, so if you want to delay aging, it is necessary to identify certain behaviors that we carry out daily and that, in a certain way, are doing our body harm.
Habits that accelerate aging:
Sleeping bad
Sleeping is one of the vital activities for the human being, since thanks to this we rest the body, after carrying out daily activities and recharge energy. However, due to the run-run of day to day, many people do not get enough sleep and therefore their performance can sometimes feel affected.
According to Medline Plus, a site of the United States National Library of Medicine, the amount of sleep each person needs will depend on certain factors, but it is best to be able to sleep between 7 and 10 hours a day. “Some people think that adults need less sleep as they get older, but there is no evidence to prove this. However, as people age they tend to sleep less or spend less time in deep, restful sleep.
Little varied diet
A healthy diet is essential for a healthy life, but as we age, certain diseases that could be preventable to some extent often occur. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy diet helps reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Likewise, a good diet will help the body to obtain enough energy to perform the different tasks of the day.
Not knowing how to control stress
Everyone feels stress in their own way, but when it rises the effects can be severe. The Vitónica portal states that there is the possibility of turning stress into a habit and that occurs when the person does not know how to self-control. So, some studies have come to verify that stress accelerates the appearance of gray hair, just as it can be the triggering symptom of diseases that age the body.
Get little exercise
Like a healthy diet, exercise is essential for a person’s good performance since it brings great benefits for the health of the heart, body and mind, which at the same time translates into the prevention of certain diseases that, in many cases, they can be deadly.
In this sense, the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States recommends performing between 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense aerobic activity per week.
Beans, lentils and chickpeas provide benefits to the body’s health. They are foods full of vitamins that reduce blood cholesterol and protect the heart.
Prolonged sun exposure
Sunbathing is beneficial due to its contribution of vitamin D, although when the rays of the great star are abundant, they cause the skin to degrade. An investigation by L’Oreal Research and Innovation Laboratories states that “80% of the causes of skin aging are due to sun exposure”. In this case, some experts recommend that, in the event that exposure to the sun for several hours cannot be avoided, it is best to use certain products that help protect the skin.
Makeup abuse
“Exaggerating in the makeup of the face can cause premature aging”, says Ok daily. For some cosmetologists, if a person uses too many oil-based products, their pores tend to clog. In addition, “the presence of perfumes, alcohol or other chemical agents can irritate the skin, dry it out, impoverish it from its natural lipid film and facilitate the early appearance of facial wrinkles”, they add.
Another of the habits that help accelerate aging is excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and having fragile social ties.