The deadlift technique is one of the most suitable for gaining muscle tone and muscle definition by working from strength. It is the sum of some of the most interesting and effective exercises to work different muscle groups and a large number of joints at the same time.
This makes it also one of the types of exercises in which technique must be taken care of, it is more necessary to avoid injuries both during weight lifting and lowering it. It is important to know this technique in its different variations, because it will help you to do it correctly, achieve the objectives set and avoid injuries.
The importance of the deadlift technique
The deadlift technique works a large number of muscle groups. Among them those of the lower back and hamstrings, toning glutes, twins and quadriceps. Also the upper back and arms as well as the trapezius, spinal erector muscles and hips.
It is a very effective exercise in helping to build muscle mass and burn more fat. Performing the deadlift technique correctly will be helping good postural education. It is relatively easy to grow in muscle work with this technique and keep optimal control of progress. The most convenient thing is to progressively increase both the lifted weight and the number of lifts. Either in the traditional technique or in some variations.
Start the initial phase correctly
It is vital to get extremely close to the bar, placing your feet below it and having the bar of the same on the instep. The toes should point slightly outwards.
Calf movement
To perform the technique correctly you have to grab the bar and bring your calves towards it while slightly bending your knees.
Push out chest
Push your chest forward to be able to lift the bar up vertically. (back is flat like a table).
Middle phase or moment of inertia:
Depending on how the force has been generated in the main part, this part will be conditioned. It starts from when the force has been generated until the shoulders are positioned behind the bar.
Final part of the movement
When the upright position is reached, the hips and knees have extended, and the shoulders are behind the bar, the final position has been reached. In this position you have to leave the bar on the ground again to be able to start the main phase again.
The base of the movement will be vertical, without oscillations throughout the technical execution. From here what will make the difference is the placement of the body in the first phase.

Variations of deadlift techniques
Romanian deadlift
This variation will help you strengthen your legs by working your hamstrings in a special way. It is the main difference compared to other types of deadlifts that work especially the lower back area.
To perform the Romanian deadlift correctly it is essential to keep your back straight and exert force with your torso. In such a way that it is the legs that do the work and that it is not carried out by the knees.
Straight-legged or stiff-legged deadlift
It is a variation of the traditional Olympic lift. With this technique the muscles that work to a greater degree are the hamstrings. This is often used to improve barbell snatch technique, rather than long-term training.
Deficit deadlift
This technique basically consists of performing deadlift work on a stable surface. This is the key point to avoid injuries: the stability of said surface. It can be done on a sturdy gym box, but ideally you should have a strong fixed board or box that allows you to maintain the position. This will avoid having stability problems at any point of the technique. It is vital to minimize the risk of injury.
Sumo deadlift technique
To correctly carry out this variation of the traditional deadlift technique, the feet must be placed as far apart as possible from each other. The hands are placed inside the bar, that is, between the body and the bar.
For the rest, the ideal is to start practicing this variant with little weight to gradually increase it. This as you get used to it and are ready to work with heavier weights. With this technique the muscles that work the most are abductors and quadriceps.
Hex bar deadlift technique
For many people it is one of the easiest ways to learn to lift weights by working your back and always maintaining the optimal position throughout the exercise. Where is the main differentiating factor of this technique? In that it allows changing the mechanics of the exercise in order to lift the weight in a distributed manner.
It may be interesting for those who are just starting out. But it is always advisable to start with small weights and increase it in subsequent workouts.

Deadlift one leg
The single-leg deadlift is already a widely used movement. It is often done with the load in one hand, on the side most comfortable for the lifter. The hip joint is where you move from, rotating it backwards as you lower your torso.
Keeping your back straight and chest up are critical for your upper body as you progress through the exercise. Usually, the non-working, trailing leg is kept straight and your goal is to keep it in line with your torso. It’s kind of a see-saw effect. If done correctly it can stimulate the abdominal muscles.
Deadlift snatch grip
The difference is in the more open grip. It is recommended that you do this exercise with a trainer who observes, describes and corrects the technique in the proper way. This way you can take advantage of the exercise at 100% and at the same time avoid injuring yourself.