With 41 votes in favor, Costa Rican deputies approved in the first debate the bill to attract workers and remote service providers of an international nature known as digital nomads. The initiative, promoted by the liberationist Carlos Ricardo Benavides, aims to attract foreigners who seek to work remotely in the country. The legislator’s plan seeks to reactivate the economy.
“In order to promote long-stay visitation in Costa Rica and increase the expenditure of resources of foreign origin in the country,” the project points out. Benavides celebrated the approval of the initiative, because – in his opinion – it will bring benefits for the tourism and commerce sector. “Digital nomads are people whose income may not be less than $ 3,000 a month if he travels alone or $ 5,000 if he travels with his family,” said the deputy.
Reactivate the economy
“Our goal is that for many months they rent their accommodation in hotels, villas or apartments, visit our national parks and eat in restaurants. Also that they make purchases in supermarkets and various businesses, travel the country and spend their resources on various commercial and professional services in our communities,” he continued. The projection is that some 10,000 families of digital nomads will inject into the country about $ 600 million a year.
Main benefits
The immigration benefits for those who take advantage of this category have to do with permits for one year, extendable for an additional year and only once. To authorize said extension, the beneficiary must have stayed in the country for a minimum of 180 days during the year originally granted. Another plus that they will have will be the total exemption from the payment of income tax, although it is not applicable for their family group.
“If any member of the family group intends to obtain this benefit, they must apply and comply with all the requirements of the direct beneficiary,” says the plan. Additionally, they will be exempt from paying import taxes on basic personal computer and computer equipment. Regarding the driver’s license, the one that has been granted in your country of origin will be valid in Costa Rican territory. The beneficiaries of this law may open savings accounts in the banks of the national banking system, as established by the initiative. “All the benefits established here will be governed by the same terms of the granted immigration benefit”, highlights the project.