Costa Rica proposed today in a virtual meeting of the Central American Integration System (SICA) to prioritize respect and promotion of the human rights for the most vulnerable populations in activities for the Bicentennial of the Independence of Central America, in 2021.
Among the most vulnerable populations, the Costa Rican Vice Chancellor for Multilateral Affairs, Christian Guillermet, mentioned Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, women and people with disabilities, among other minority groups with whom – he affirmed – there is a great historical debt.
That was the main approach of Costa Rica when participating in the LXXIII Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Central American Integration System (SICA), together with representatives of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic.
The virtual meeting addressed the modifications in the structure of the General Secretariat, the work program and the budget for 2021, indicates a press release from the Costa Rican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published on its website.
In this regard, Guillermet insisted on the need for transparency and accountability to prevail in all the work of regional institutions, in a historical moment, towards the post COVID-19 era.
This time, Guillermet pointed out, the need for an evolution with changes towards greater efficiency, where virtuality will play a very important role to continue strengthening regional institutions.
The vice chancellor asked ‘for greater clarity and technical documentary support in the proposals that are presented, in order to facilitate decisions, taking into account that public opinion and regional citizens demand, precisely, greater transparency and measures that reinforce healthy resource management.
Likewise, Guillermet asked to take the time that is necessary to find the explanations requested on such relevant issues as the budget, in order to make the right decisions, to face the difficult and complicated times that we are currently living.
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