Since its creation and to date, the Costa Rica Convention Center (CCCR) has promoted sustainable and local gastronomy in more than 800 events, achieving a positive link between suppliers and farmers through cooking, which has led them to strengthen links and good relations with national and international visitors.
Day of Sustainable Gastronomy
“During this month, we celebrate the Day of Sustainable Gastronomy, established as such by the United Nations General Assembly since December 2016. This is an excellent occasion to highlight that since the creation of the CCCR we have committed ourselves to promoting sustainable gastronomy and national, with the help of national producers, making the dishes we prepare for our visitors promote Costa Rican cuisine and benefit our communities,” said MaximilianoChacón, Commercial Director of the Costa Rica Convention Center.
National Plan for Sustainable and Healthy Costa Rican Gastronomy
In 2019, the venue joined the National Plan for Sustainable and Healthy Costa Rican Gastronomy (PNGCSS), demonstrating a firm commitment to the issue by implementing the methodology and principles established in said plan. As a result, in January of this year, the venue became the first organization in Latin America to obtain the WISG seal, which certifies Sustainable and Healthy Gastronomic Quality.
The CCCR has implemented comprehensive practices that stand out for their sustainable approach, among which are the maximum use of food, the creation of a balanced menu, the proper management of organic waste, the signing of an agreement with the INA to promote dual education for gastronomy students at its facilities and its social collaboration program, through which 272 kg of food have been donated to the homeless.
“Gastronomy is a subject in constant evolution and at the CCCR, operated by GrupoHeroica, we are committed to transforming the world through innovation and valuable experiences for our visitors. In line with this objective, we are taking steps forward by measuring the carbon footprint generated by our dishes, with the purpose of finding tools that allow us to mitigate and convert our impact into positive data,” added Chacón.