
    Science & Technology

    Costa Rica’s gaming industry grows by the day

    Gaming, just the thought of it makes you think about Asia, leading the way worldwide since the 80's. They made Nintendo a thing back in the day. Sony also became a gaming giant in the 90's. Americans only appeared...

    Dario Chinchilla’s work seeks improvement in solar energy use

    Science bases itself in evolution, and evolution brings development to society, whether is human or not. When we think of science, we think of Europe, Asia or North America. Costa Rica isn't exactly the name that comes to mind...

    Costa Rica, Leader in Social Networks Use in Latin America

    A new study conducted for EL PAÍS of Spain in conjunction with the Institute for the Integration of Latin America (INTAL in Spanish), and the Caribbean of the Inter-American Development Bank (BID in Spanish) has revealed that Costa Rica...

    Energy Efficiency in the Public & Private Sector

    It has become increasingly clear that energy efficiency is a low-cost route to mitigating future energy demand. All of the central imperatives of sustainability are made more achievable by an energy policy that recognizes the need to balance environmentally-friendly...

    The World of Business Is Changing – Have You Noticed?

    Something extraordinary is happening in the world of business, and it is going to create some very big shifts in our world. The world of business is changing. While we regularly see news about the affairs of ‘big business’,...

    Costa Rican Corporations Are Being Targeted By Property Thieves

    Costa Rican authorities have not been doing enough to address the problems of property theft. Surprisingly, property thefts are not that difficult to achieve. It can be as easy as an unscrupulous Notary Public transferring your property from your...

    Germany Is Almost Ready to Launch the First Zero-Emission Train

    Another first in the field of alternative energies! Germany is getting ready to introduce the very first zero-emission train for passenger transport in the world that is powered by hydrogen. This new technology will be an alternative to diesel...

    Analyze Challenges to Incorporate the Use of Technology in the Workplace

    As a result, a route sheet and framework for development plans at the national level will be obtained to assist stakeholders to ensure social inclusion and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities.Activity will continue the New Delhi...

    How the IT Industry is Evolving with Communication Tools

    With the ever rising popularity of mobile devices, laptops and tablets within social environments, it could be easy to overlook how effective they could be in boosting the productivity, efficiency and overall profits of businesses. Fortunately, we are here...

    Alternative Fuel Sources Being Developed

    All over the world, the extensive –and also intensive– use of fossil hydrocarbons, especially coal and oil, as the main source of fuel has carried the potential risk of exhausting this resource in many oil producing countries. It is memorable...
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    National Symphony Orchestra to Offer Six Free Concerts in Desamparados, Santa Ana, and Guanacaste

    With a musical repertoire that includes works by Gioachino Rossini, Leroy Anderson, John Williams, Vinicio Meza, and Carlos Guzmán,...
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