
    Science & Technology

    Costa Rica Begins Switchover From Analog To Digital TV

    Nowadays television is a fact of life for billions of people. Since it was invented `the box' has become an enormous success.

    The New OCR Technology Available for Google Photos and Google Lens App’s In All OS and The Web

    One of the best things that Google Photos has created is its powerful search tool. It automatically recognizes objects places, pets, events or even people events in the image gallery

    Online casinos vs. Physical Casinos – What are the Main Differences?

    The choice between an online casino and a local casino is just like the choice between TV and cinema. Both media are – despite obvious differences – highly compatible and complement each other

    Ministry of Technology Boosts Technological Development of Costa Rica

    El anuncio fue realizado por el ministro del área tecnológica, Luis Adrián Salazar, durante una actividad llamada "Hacia la 4ta revolución industrial", en la que también participó el presidente Carlos Alvarado . El plan se financiará con una contribución no reembolsable del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) por US $ 15 millones

    Costa Rica Promotes Its First “Green Technology” Fair

    The 1st International Fair of Green Technologies in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (FIVERAC) was held at the Costa Rica Convention Center, this exhibition is part of the previous activities that the country is carrying out, towards the United Nations...

    Solar Energy in Costa Rica, Its Present Status and the Aim for Future Growth

    Everything has a purpose in life, which is why from The Costa Rica News (TCRN), we want on this occasion we want to analyze if solar panels have a profound impact on the world, and in this case, for Costa Rica

    Fingerprint and Facial Recognition Will Be the New ‘ID Cards’ of Costa Ricans

    The surveillance camera recorded a criminal while committing his misdeeds in the mall. But it was not just any recording.Without needing to resort to messages in the news requesting help to identify the thief, that camera sent the facial...

    Electric Bus Will Tour UCR Campus Promoting Its Technology

    During the closing of this year, an electric bus will provide internal service for students, staff, and visitors at the Rodrigo Facio campus of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) in San Pedro de Montes de Oca.The announcement was...

    Navigating Safely On the Internet

    Do you have a computer and use Microsoft? Do you surf the Internet and receive emails? Then you need weapons to navigate safely.There is a vast world, fantastic and attractive to discover on the Web, but there are also people...

    Costa Rica, First Latin American Country to Host the Internet Hall of Fame

    The Internet Hall of Fame revealed the names of the new generation of members 2019. These are 11 pioneers and visionaries who have made outstanding contributions to the growth, reach and global security of the Internet, which will be...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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