

    The Keys to Introducing Intermittent Fasting Into Your Life Easily and Without Going Hungry

    We have been hearing these two words for a long time: intermittent fasting, but we are not very clear on how to do it,

    Discover the Benefits of Enjoying a Day at the Beach

    When it comes to going on vacation, the first thing we think about is the beach, for those who live in the city this is the preferred

    Scientists Awaken a Virus that Was Frozen for48,500 Years

    A team led by scientists from the University of Aix-Marseille (France) has 'revived' a virus that was trapped for 48,500 years

    5 Simple and Scientifically Proven Techniques that Will Help You Fall Asleep

    If you are having trouble falling asleep, you are not alone. A third of us find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep; including

    Foods That Can Help Lower Your Blood Sugar

    Diabetes is a disease characterized by elevated blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels, which, according to the Pan American

    What Is The Link Between Perfume And Emotional Health?

    Not at all like other human detects, olfactory reactions are connected to the emotional focal point of our minds and relate straightforwardly with our previous encounters.

    Five Practical Steps to Start Practicing Mindfulness

    Self-observation is based on a mind full of presence, that is, a mind trained to live in the present moment, without prejudice, prepared

    7 Things Yoga Changed In My Life

    Yoga came into my life without me knowing that it was yoga. My father was a self-taught yogi, he did the postures following a book

    Healing Properties of Cannabis Oil

    Cannabis oil can prevent or work to reduce glaucoma, an eye disease that causes gradual loss of vision. Likewise, cannabis oil can prevent

    What Benefits Does Chamomile Tea Have?

    Chamomile is one of the best known and used herbs for its healing and aesthetic properties.
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