

    The Imposing Tarcoles River and Its Incredible Wildlife

    The Tarcoles River, also called Rio Grande de Tarcoles, is located in the province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica and passes through the Carara National Park

    Discover the Top-10 Best Places in Costa Rica!

    Costa Rica has chosen ecotourism with force and you will understand why

    Enjoy Natural Walks in Costa Rica!

    Costa Rica is ever-connected with nature. However, if you do not know where to go or what to look for, you could miss the most spectacular views

    Costa Rica: a Colorful Country Between Two Oceans

    Are the best beaches in Costa Rica in the Caribbean or the Pacific Ocean? The Costa Rican territory has beautiful beaches in both oceans that all deserve to be visited

    The "Piñera" Controversy: Is Their Produce As Sweet As It Seems?

    The year 2019 came to an end, with the government and judicial decisions not precisely favoring the conservation of the nation's precious environment

    Come Visit The Maleku People and Experience Ancestral Costa Rica

    If you want a unique cultural exchange with the first inhabitants of Costa Rica, do not forget to go to the Maleku Indigenous Community

    MINAE Cancels Permits to ‘Del Monte’ Company for Its Pineapple Project

    The Minister of Environment and Energy (MINAE), Carlos Manuel Rodríguez, explained -in December 2019- the issue of the suspension of the permits given to the corporation 'Corporación de Desarrollo Agrícola Del Monte, SA' -better known as Pindeco- for the planting of pineapple in the South Zone

    The 6 most spectacular geysers in the world

    Nature arrived long before us and perhaps, for this reason, continues to surprise us every day

    From Pura Vida to Pure Water: Why Water Conservation in Costa Rica is Pure Common Sense

    International experts have declared the fresh (drinking) water resources in Costa Rica as among the best globally in this year 2019

    Environmental Pollution and Depletion of Natural Resources

    Environmental pollution is nothing more than an evil derived from the unconsciousness and irresponsibility of people, thus causing damage in many cases irreparable to the environment. Today, environmental pollution represents a threat to humanity.Costa Rica is a country with...
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    Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities

    The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...
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