

    Costa Rican Electricity Institute Rejects “Waste Incineration Project” for Generating Energy

    The presidency of the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), declared that they are not going to provide any land to make the incinerator (or any type of chemical combustion) of waste that seeks to generate electricity as a result...

    The National Emergency Commission Decrees Yellow Meteorological Alert in Guanacaste and Other Parts of the Country

    The atmospheric instability presented in recent days has generated significant accumulated rainfall, especially along the Pacific, Central Valley, and some sectors of the North Zone and Sarapiquí.According to the IMN (meteorological) stations, this past week the highest amounts of...

    The Environmental Defense of the San Rafael River

    The fight for the defense of the San Rafael river at San Pedro de Pérez Zeledón in the Southern Zone has been going on for six and a half years against the private hydroelectric projects that were proposed in the main southern rivers between 2013 to 2015

    Reduced Pollutant Emissions Due to the Pandemic Are Not a Sustainable Positive Response to Climate Change

    The economic slowdown and mobility restrictions, caused by the global Coronavirus Pandemic, have given the planet a little respite, with a verified decrease in polluting emissions

    Tico Postgraduate Student Creates Organic Fertilizer for Reducing the Environmental Impact of the Prickly Pear in Mexico

    Providing good management to the prickly pear glycoids (spines) has become a great challenge for producers in the municipality of Nopaltepec, Mexico. This material remains as a residue after cleaning the pear fruit; it is highly resistant to natural...

    Nature Conservation in Costa Rica May be in Danger

    In recent days, the Ecological Federation (FECON) formally communicated to the Minister of the Environment and the General Secretariat of SETENA, its rejection to the proposed regulatory reform of the Regulation on Environmental Assessment, Control and Monitoring (RECSA).For the...

    To prevent New Pandemics we must Change the Agricultural Model that Deforests and Destroys Biodiversity

    The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) draws attention to the advancement of industrial agriculture, a factor that could trigger new Pandemics in the future and calls for changing the agricultural model that deforests and destroys biodiversity

    Scientific Research as an Essential Factor for the Preservation of Isla del Coco

    Each country has its natural riches, animal species and unique flora. And the oceans are a source of life for our planet, with abundant marine plant and animal diversity.Costa Rica is blessed with immense wealth in its mountains, forests...

    Coastguards and Neighbors Save Hawksbill Turtle that Was About to be Butchered

    The prompt response from officers of the National Coast Guard Service, as well as neighbors, saved the life of a hawksbill turtle, which was going to be butchered on a beach in the canton of Matina, province of Limón.

    Costa Rican Scientist Investigates Presence of Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria in Wasp Colonies

    Researcher Laura Chavarría is studying social wasps to determine the presence of actinobacteria (producers of antibiotic substances) in these colonies and to test their antibiotic activity. Insects are a group of essential organisms in ecosystems since they pollinate floral plants,...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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