

    A Huge Underground Tree of Hot Stone Is Rising Magma To The Earth’s Surface

    Deep in the Earth's mantle, branching columns of hot material are lifting magma to the surface. They are the mantle plumes, which allow us to anticipate where the oceans will open and what parts of the planet will be...

    Climate Change: The Worrisome Rise In Days Over 50 °C

    The number of days of extreme heat per year, when temperatures reach 50 °C, have doubled since 1980, according to a BBC study. Those temperatures are also being recorded in more and more areas of the world, posing an...

    Distributed Generation Law Approved In Costa Rica

    The distributed generation law, which will allow consumers to produce their own electricity and inject surpluses

    Let’s Embrace The Trees So We Can Live Fully

    Scientifically, it is known that hugging trees (arbotherapy) and being in contact with nature does us good.

    Coexistence with Wildlife in Urban Areas of Costa Rica

    It is known that Costa Rica is a very biodiverse country, since this small territory is home to 5% of the world's biodiversity. This makes it possible for us to meet a wild animal in practically any place, and...

    “La Mano Del Arenal”: the Giant that Emerges From the Mountain Overlooking the Lagoon

    The “Owner of the Mount”, is the name of the mystical tale and from which a giant emerges who cares for the Arenal mountain.

    90 Aftershocks were registered in 12 hours After a Strong Earthquake near Jacó

    In a matter of 12 hours, 90 aftershocks were registered after the earthquake near Jacó at 8:54 p.m. of this past Tuesday, which had a magnitude of 5.3 degrees. This was confirmed by the expert from the Volcanological and...

    What Species of Nocturnal Birds Live in the Central Valley of Costa Rica?

    Bird species in Costa Rica can be lively and bright parrots that fill the tropical air with high-pitched screeches, out-of-the-ordinary toucans, glistening hummingbirds, and other striking birds. They can also be birds that emit terrifying whistles and sounds from...

    Disposable Face Masks From the Pandemic a ‘Contamination Bomb’

    By protecting our health, we harm the well-being of the environment and vice versa, a cycle that we should break with good environmental education. Those products known as surgical masks, face masks, chinstraps or nasobucos, have become one of...

    Indigenous Women Propose Inclusive System to Conserve Forests in Costa Rica (Part 2)

    Since its entry into operation in 1997, the PSA has benefited more than 18,000 families, prioritizing small producers, rural women and indigenous territories. In total, it has mobilized more than US$ 524 million in contracts aimed at the conservation...
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