Puntarenas Toxic Spill Alert Downgraded to Yellow
The Costa Rica News (TCRN) – Over the Labor Day weekend, a ship containing the toxic chemical, ammonia nitrate, sparked an emergency alert off the coast of the Costa Rica tourist town of Puntarenas when it sank in heavy...
Costa Rica has a Dirty Little Secret
Costa Rica has a garbage problem, and it’s more complex than you think.Despite national-level efforts to make Costa Rica a greener country, it seems the general population still fails to see the value in personally maintaining the environment from...
Are Earthquakes and Volcano Activity on the Rise?
The Costa Rica News (TCRN) - If it seems like earthquakes and erupting volcanoes are happening more frequently, that’s because they are. Looking at global magnitude six (M6) or greater from 1980 to 1989 there was an average of...
Average Costa Rica Family Uses 3,500 Plastic Bottles per Year
Take a drive along Route 27, and at Santa Ana, you’ll notice a big fence made from of bottles trapped in a net with a sign that reads: "The truth always comes out."The work of 3,500 plastic bottles by...
Honey Import Doubled Due to Environmental Changes
The few rains and strong winds have affected the Honey production in Costa Rica; this situation endangers to the apiaries (bee keepers) owners and dealers of honey. For that reason, Honey imports significantly increased to meet consumer demand in...
Costa Rican Environmentalists Achieve Goal: No More Hammerhead Shark Fin Exports
After much controversy and complaints by environmentalists, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) announced today that they will no longer issue permits for the export of shark fins until they have developed a legal document that ensures that...
Mayor Petitions Costa Rica Government to Change Forestry Law in Light of Cypress Deforestation Debate
The mayor of San Rafael de Heredia, Jorge Isaac Paniagua, has asked the Commission for Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Assembly to reform the Forestry Law, in order to avoid the further cutting of cypress trees.Paniagua said they must...
Turrialba Volcano Very Active Over the Weekend With Ash Eruptions and Small Quakes
The Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica, which since last October has maintained constant activity continues excite with new ash eruptions accompanied by seismic movements in recent days.Gino Gonzalez, a volcanologist at the National Seismological Network (RSN), said that last...
Costa Rican Scientists Testing New Snake Venom Vaccine to Protect Domestic Animals
Scientists at the Clodomiro Picado Institute in the University of Costa Rica are in the testing phase of a vaccine to protect livestock from the effects of snake venom.The vaccine was manufactured with toxins from snake venom, but was...
Costa Rica Develops New Green Vehicle Program to Further Reduce the Country’s Carbon Footprint
The Costa Rica government has announced the development of the Acquisition Program for Efficient Vehicles (PAVE) which will promote a reduction of national energy consumption and the emissions of greenhouse gases caused by automobiles.The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE)...
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Filling Beaches With Awnings Without Control Affects the Tourist Experience”, state Costa Rican Tourism Authorities
The uncontrolled proliferation of chairs, awnings and massage tables on the beaches of Costa Rica threatens free circulation and...