

    5 things you should know about Turrialba’s lava lake

    A REDDISH glow usually pops up on the TURRIALBA volcano when it is in activityTURRIALBA IS CONSIDERED AN UNPREDICTABLE VOLCANO BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY.The sudden appearance of a little lake in Turrialba volcano caught everybody by surprise, especially the...

    University of Costa Rica Saves So Much Water

    165 students  wash their clothes with PURIFIED rain waterWater harvesting, that’s the method used by a group of 165 students of the University of Costa Rica as another choice to help the environment restore.This plan consists of collecting, chlorinate,...

    Climate Change is Taking its Toll on Cahuita’s Biodiversity

    Cahuita National Park in Costa Rica is a good example of how the global warming is affecting the seashores.Marcos Sánchez, one of the best biologists of Costa Rica, was interviewed after a conference held in a hotel at Cahuita...

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Country with Lots of Volcanoes

    Poas Volcano generated more than $1 million in visits until April this year.Most of the tourist sites and tours are around the slopes of the volcanoes.There are approximately 290 volcanoes in Costa Rica. Some of them are already extinct,...

    Germany Donated 15 Million Dollars to Costa Rica

    Barbara Hendricks, a member of the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, visited Costa Rica and announced a donation to support the climate change mitigation and adaptation plan.The German minister arrived in Costa Rica last...

    Country Leader for the use of Clean Energy

    “Costa Rica is a role model for all of us” – that’s how the World Economic Forum defined Costa Rica for the use of sustainable energy.The organization also highlighted Costa Rica’s last year accomplishment, when the country used wind,...

    Costa Rica Reduces Agrochemicals by Area Used in Agriculture

    Costa Rica managed to reduce the number of agrochemicals used per area in agricultural activities, from 10.7 kilos of active ingredient per hectare in 2015 to 9.6 kilos per hectare in 2016, according to a report released By the...

    Pouring Domestic Oil in the Sink Damages the Environment

    The Technological Institute of Costa Rica has created a strategy that has already been put into practice by some organizations and restaurants two of which are Restaurante Institucional (Institutional Restaurant) and Residencias Estudiantes (Student Communities). They separate the used...

    Fair Promotes the Use of Bicycles in Costa Rica

    Talks, workshops, tours, and classes are part of the first edition of this eventBicycles don’t pollute the environment; they are good for exercising and are money-saving because they don’t use fuel. For this reason, the Association for Urban Sustainability...

    Sixteen Red Macaws Freed Into Their Natural Habitat

    Costa Rica has always been a country which has gotten behind organizations that battle in favor of endangered species. It is not a secret that there are a lot of animals which are on the red list because they...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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