

    Volcanos Rincón de la Vieja and Turrialba Launch Gas and Ash in Costa Rica

    Rincón de la Vieja volcano (northwest) today sent gas to 700 meters above the crater while the Turrialba (east) erupted ash about 500 meters, reported the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori).A change in the direction of...

    Business Emerges with The Decline of Single-Use Plastic Products

    Recent campaigns to eliminate the consumption of single-use plastics (such as straws, bags and disposable tableware) have generated businesses that manufacture substitutes with bagasse, cassava starch, wheat fiber, and cornstarch, among others.BX Food Company, Belen, and Avani Costa Rica...

    Costa Rica in Emergency

    Due to the effects of the tropical storm "Nate" that is affecting many regions of Costa Rica, the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) announced the suspension of teaching lessons in all the educational centers along the country. The MEP...

    Costa Rica is Ready to Say Goodbye to Gas-Emission Cars

    In recent years, Costa Rica has become a global example of "Green" energy producer, by generating practically all of its electricity from clean sources, mainly hydroelectric and geothermal plants. But it still carries the burden of a highly polluting...

    Hurricane Alert on Panamá and Costa Rica

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) adverts the formation of a tropical depression very close to the Caribbean coast of Panama with an 80% chance of becoming a hurricane. There is a 90% probability of the formation of...

    Costa Rica Sends Rescuers to Mexico After Earthquake

    So far the death toll has risen to 200 people following Tuesday's earthquake that struck Central Mexico with a magnitude of 7. Costa Rica has offered aid and sent rescuers and volunteers to the stricken nation.Iván Brenes said that...

    7,1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Central Mexico

    Yesterday's earthquake in Mexico has killed over 200 people 21 of them schoolchildren. The earthqueake struck Central Mexico after midday.Yesterday, there was another quake near Central Mexico, around 75 miles away from Mexico city and caused extensive damage, making...

    Costa Rica, its Green and Pure Life

    In the mid-1980s, Costa Rica was a country almost devastated by deforestation. In 1960 the deforested territory was 36%, and by the year 2000 deforestation had increased to 89%. Its rates of logging and clearing for agriculture and livestock...

    Aboriginal Communities to Protect Green Areas Through New Program

    Owing to the process of consultation that seeks to reduce deforestation and degradation of rainforests, also known as the REDD+ Strategy, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy looks to foment the inclusion of the aboriginal communities in this...

    Costa Rica Will Be The First Country to Eliminate Single-Use Plastics.

    Costa Rica is a small country with less than 5 million inhabitants, but its authorities have decided that they will become a true example in the world in the fight against pollution and the care of the environment. The...
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    Fundación SMA as Support Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Costa Rica

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic and hereditary disease characterized by a loss of muscle strength due to...
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