by TCRN Staff
In less than two months, the Arias administration will end without significant advancement on outstanding road projects and streamlining public transport systems.
The extensions of roads between San Jose and San Ramon, and San Jose and Cartago will be postponed until the next administration, sighting funding problems and a lack of definition in the projects.
The Siphon – Abundance project is also not completed. Designed three decades ago to serve as the alternate route to travel to the providence of San Carlos, Alajuela.
And in terms of transport, the Arias government failed to reach the goal of an having an electric train in the capital, San Jose and could not establish a system of Interline buses, which would service the periphery of the city.
In 16 years of the concession model, the country has only finished one project, which opened just two months ago the 80-kilometer highway San José – Caldera.
The new government has promised to straighten out the failures of the previous administration in these areas so that these projects can move forward and be realized.