The III Congress of Small-Scale Artisanal Fishermen and Molluscakers: “Intertwining life, knowledge and culture” that will take place in Cahuita (Limón), from September 26 to 29, will launch a call for integrate a human rights vision into marine conservation.
The organization of the Congress is coordinated by the Network of Marine Areas for Responsible Fishing and Marine Territories of Life with the technical support of CoopeSoliDar R.L and ICCA Mesoamerica; in addition, the financial contribution of Swedbio and the Marine Tenure Initiative.
This is the III Congress for this small-scale artisanal sector, which is held in Costa Rica. It will have the participation of more than 100 fishermen from that country; In addition, representatives of the Sea Workers Union of Panama, UPESABO, the Union of Bocatoreño Fishermen, the MajéEmberáDruá General Congress (of Panama), the Boca de Camichín Oyster Cooperative, NIUWARI (Mexico), the RECOTURH (Honduras) will attend. and CALPI (Nicaragua).
In addition, representatives of international organizations interested in marine conservation such as the Environmental Defense Fund, RISE UP for the Ocean, Women Biodiversity, SWEDBIO and Marine Tenure Initiative will join this activity.
Exchange of experiences
According to IvanniaAyales, Manager of CoopeSoliDar R. L. and general coordinator of the Congress, “having such a large group of representatives from both coasts of the country, in addition to an important international representation in this event, is of utmost importance because it will allow us to update the situation that the small-scale artisanal fishing sector experiences with all the work that has been done for decades at the local and global level.”
The global vision
“In this Third Congress we will analyze the context that is being experienced at this moment in order to share experiences and solutions. The global vision of the problems that affect the sector is very important because it helps us look for long-term solutions based on policies that have been successfully implemented in other latitudes, always adapting them to local conditions, and without losing sight of the efforts carried out by the sector for the fulfillment of rights, Ayales added.
The Ombudsman’s Office, the Costa Rican Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the National System of Conservation Areas of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, the National Institute for Women, the Vice Ministry of Youth, local governments from Talamanca and Nicoya will participate in the four-day meeting. As well as organizations of small-scale artisanal fishermen from all over the country.
In the case of Costa Rica, Law No. 8436 conceptualizes small-scale fishing as that which is “carried out, in an artisanal manner, by natural persons without the use of a boat, in continental waters or in the coastal zone, up to a maximum of 3 nautical miles. However, as stated in that same Law in its article 26, artisanal fishing activity allows fishing up to a maximum of five nautical miles from the coastline that is carried out for commercial purposes.
The theme of the Congress will cover areas such as: the formalization and recognition of the right to decent work, governance, conservation as a result of the sustainable use and management of the sea and its coasts, full participation in the construction of public policies in the sector, as well as the global challenges of advocacy for the defense a dignified artisanal sector in the face of the blue economy that strips communities of the right to land, coasts and the sea.