In a technology-infused age there is a strong case for including cybersecurity as an educational subject. It is essential to promote from an early age practices that result in the care of risks that are faced, such as sexting, cyberbullying, identity theft, and other crimes that can be committed through the web.
According to data released by the NGO Bullying without Borders, during 2022 as part of the International Day Against Bullying around 70% of boys and girls suffer some type of bullying and cyberbullying every day. Teaching online security skills, such as creating strong passwords, identifying potential threats, and protecting privacy, needs to be included in the academic education.
According to Sebastián Sack, VP of Latin America at Noventiq:
One of our objectives is to identify the weaknesses that our clients have in terms of security and not only provide them with solutions to protect them, but also accompany them in the learning process so that they can identify these possible threats and block them from the first moment. We also work closely with universities to which we have informed how to solve and deal with cybersecurity issues, this being something useful not only for them as an organization but also for their students and indirectly their families.
General recommendations
The new generations are increasingly exposed to online attacks, so it is essential to understand how cybersecurity works, measures to protect themselves and the agents that help. Among the recommendations that parents and institutions can give children so that they can navigate the web more safely are:
• Monitor Internet use- Parents and institutions should monitor children’s Internet use and ensure that they only visit age-appropriate websites.
• Teach children not to share personal information, especially on social media: parents and institutions should teach children not to share personal information online, such as their full name, address, phone number, school, etc.
• Use strong passwords- Children should use strong passwords and not share them with anyone, even their friends. Lumify Work Auckland highly recommends using password managers as these applications can also generate strong passwords.
• Do not talk to strangers online- Children should learn not to talk to strangers online and to tell an adult if someone they do not know tries to contact them.
• Use safety filters- Parents and institutions can use safety filters to block inappropriate websites and protect children from inappropriate content.
• Use antivirus software- Parents and institutions can install antivirus software on children’s computers to protect them from viruses and malware.
• Keep communication open- Parents and institutions should keep communication open with children and encourage them to talk about any problems they may have online.
Cybersecurity is not just a measure for companies and government entities, all devices can be vulnerable to serious security breaches. Therefore, starting with early training in this regard can limit the scope of these crimes that today affect minors.
On the other hand, cybersecurity is also a topic that cannot be ignored in education. It is important that members of the educational community understand the importance of maintaining online security measures, and that effective policies and training programs are put in place that allow everyone to act safely. Only then we can ensure a safe and secure learning environment for all.