Out of all the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need, vitamin D is one of the most important. This component is responsible for making the body better absorb calcium, avoiding diseases such as rickets or osteoporosis. And best of all, it is found everywhere, since we can receive it thanks to the sun’s rays.
But, what to do when there is a deficiency of this vitamin in our body? The first and most important thing is to go to a professional who offers the most accurate and appropriate advice for your case. The second thing is to take a look at these tricks that we bring you to increase vitamin D levels.
There are many ways to increase the levels of vitamin D in the body. Of all the methods out there, several are key to achieving the desired results in the shortest possible time, so that the body can really get the most out of what this nutrient is capable of providing.
Here we are going to see 5 fundamental tricks that you must follow to increase vitamin D in your body. From advice on eating to habits that you must follow daily and even supplements that can come in handy to achieve the most appropriate and healthy levels. Pay attention and take careful note.
Of course, the best way to have more vitamin D in the body is through sun exposure. If you manage to spend between 15 and 30 minutes a day in the sun, especially in the hours when it shines brightest (between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.).
You should not forget to use sun protection to avoid possible burns from exposure, as well as control the time you spend in the sun very well. The tone of your skin and the temperature that it makes are keys to determine the time.
Using a good vitamin supplement always works, mainly because it involves the direct intake of vitamin D and others that are recommended for the body. The important thing when resorting to this method is that you always use products from well-known brands recommended by specialists.
In fact, it is essential that, before opting for it, you consult your doctor, a nutritionist or a health professional so that they can help you control consumption through the most appropriate doses. Too little vitamin D is bad; but too much can be even worse.
Needless to say, supplements aside, diet is extremely important if you want to have good levels of vitamin D in your body. Foods such as fatty fish, eggs, or even mushrooms are rich in this nutrient, so you should increase its presence in your diet.
Eat salmon, sardines, chicken eggs, fresh tuna, herring, or even portioned pates and cheese. All of this has a good amount of this vitamin, and it can help you build a much richer and more varied diet.
Maintaining healthy habits, starting mainly from a balanced diet, greatly helps to optimize both the absorption and metabolism of vitamin D. Adding this vitamin to our diet or receiving it in larger quantities is just as important as allowing the body to assimilate it into the diet. perfection.
For this, it is essential to introduce adequate amounts of calcium and zinc into the diet, as well as maintaining a good weight, exercising often and, we insist, exposing yourself to the sun’s rays sufficiently. All this is vital to have the adequate supply of this vitamin in the body.
One of the most important nutrients for the proper activation and metabolism of vitamin D in the body is magnesium. It is very important to introduce foods rich in magnesium, such as nuts, seeds, legumes, avocados or even spinach.
In itself, magnesium is important for the proper development of many vital functions. Among them, it turns out to be key to the synthesis of vitamin D, which is why it is key to the topic we are addressing.
Of course, it is vital that you go to a specialist or your family doctor in case there are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. He will be in charge of giving you the best guidelines to follow, which you can complement with these tricks if necessary. Likewise, he can also help you build a healthy and balanced diet with which you not only acquire the adequate amounts of this nutrient, but also other important ones for your well-being.
Remember that, in the end, the body is like a machine, and you have to take care of each and every one of its parts so that it works properly. And yes, you are the only person who can make sure of it.