Many people want to train to feel better, but obstacles such as the lack of time or the inability to work out in a gym can frustrate their goals. However, it is necessary for people to know that they can take advantage of any space and little time to train something basic. This can encourage them to move. That is why we are going to share 5 exercises, which combined, can help maintain muscle tone and burn fat and of course … help eliminate excuses.
Anywhere is good for training
So that the lack of time is not an obstacle to training and being in the desired condition, we are going to share some effective exercises that you can do anywhere, you only need a small space (a room, a balcony or a terrace) and that’s it. … to train!
1. Jump rope (Swiss jumps)

You can work by sets and reps or by time. Performing 50-100 jumps, or doing it for a minute or two at a time, will help you burn calories and build cardiovascular fitness. For greater effectiveness, you can perform three or four series: the first taking small jumps; the second, alternating feet, and the third, jumps with higher elevation or changing speeds. If you do not know how to jump the swiss, you can mimic how it is done, either without the rope or by moving it with one hand next to your body.
2. Push ups
These exercises require a good consumption of calories because apart from requiring a good effort to execute, they also involve large muscles and other accessory muscles that help maintain the ideal posture when executing them. They can be worked in combination with other exercises or separately. They can also be done by series and repetitions or by TABATAS or AMRAPS. They can also be made adapted with knees on the floor if, in your case, you cannot do them with your knees up.
3. Cardio combinations
Exercises such as jumping jacks, rock climbers, jump squats, burpees or half burpees, marches from heels to glutes and others, can be combined by series and repetitions or by times and cycles to burn fat.

4. Iron or Plank
It is excellent for working posture and strengthening the core. It’s done in time, for example: you can do an abdominal plank by holding it for 45 to 90 seconds. It is necessary to contract the muscles (abdominal and gluteal) for as long as possible. Or, you can try challenging yourself and doing mini challenges trying to improve the times between one plank and another.
5. Squats or Push-ups:
This exercise does not involve any group of muscles but activates the largest in the body, these at the same time increase the heart rate easier than others providing great benefit in fat burning work.
Remember that before doing any exercise it is important that you warm up for at least 15 minutes beforehand in order to get your body ready and prevent injuries.Don’t forget to stretch at the end.

In addition, according to the place where you are, check the environment to avoid accidents.Take advantage of everything you have available to incorporate into the Exercises: garters, weights, bars, or Timer to train with times.Try to do routines combining these exercises at least three times a week at a minimum.