Knock, knock: A New Year is waiting for you to make it awesome. With the fresh start of 2017 many people make up their resolutions about what they want to achieve this year. As the last years have shown, less people wish for a improve of business or the financial situation. The majority aims to improve their health and a relaxed, sporty lifestyle.
Therefore, it is no wonder that the ancient workout methods of practicing yoga are gaining on popularity all over the world. If you have not been into it by now, January might be the perfect time to make a fresh start. Grab a matt and take a relaxing break, with a spot of fitness thrown in for good measure. 2017 is already there, do not wait any longer to reach your goals!
Health Benefits you will achieve by practicing Yoga

Many scientists and researchers have already discovered clues that prove the effect of practicing yoga improves your health constitution. This relaxing sport will help you to recover from heal aches and pains and keeps sickness at bay. We collected ten reasonable benefits you can achieve by exercising yoga:
#1: By improving your flexibility, you will not only prevent a poor posture, but also improve the constitution of your muscles and connective tissue.
#2: Your muscles will gain on strength. This does not only look good, it will protect you from arthritis and pack pain.
#3: During a yoga session, you take your joints through their full range of motion. This will help squeezing out your joint cartilage, so it is able to soak up new supply and receive fresh nutrients.
#4: Every backbend, forward bends and twist will help you keep your spinal disks supple. Only when they are moving, they are able to soak up their nutrients.
#5: It is proven that weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and helps ward off osteoporosis. During many yoga postures you will have to lift your own weight. For example, the downward- and upward-facing dog helps strengthen the arm bones. Not for notihing, this part of the body is particularly vulnerable to osteoporotic fractures.

#6: Your blood flow will improve by practicing yoga. Especially many relaxation exercises will help your circulation in hands and feet. During the workout your cells are even receiving more oxygen.
#7: With contracting and stretching your muscles, you increase the drainage of lymph, the fluid of your body containing lots of immune cells. This helps your lymphatic system to fight infections and cancerous cells, as well to dispose toxic waste products.
#8: Several studies have found out that by regularly pushing your heart rate into the aerobic range, you lower your risk of heart attack. Though not all yoga is aerobic, even the non-aerobic exercises can improve your cardiovascular conditioning.

#9: Yoga is not only encouraging weight loss, it even lowers blood sugar and “bad” LDL cholesterol while boosting “good” HDL cholesterol. People with low blood sugar levels, not only diabetics, are decreasing the risks of heart attacks, kidney failures and blindness.
#10: Protect youself with yoga: It provides a downtime for the nervous system. This will help you to improve your sleeping habits. You will be less tired and stressed which likely lowers the risk of having an accident.
Start practicing Yoga in Costa Rica

From the Caribbean Coast to the Pacific Ocean, from the highlands of the Northern Area to the lowlands in the Central Valley: With its tropical landscapes and dramatic volcanoes Costa Rica sets a perfect environment to calm down, take a deep breath and get out the best of you that you can. In addition, you will be more enabled to embrace the beauty of the nature surrounding you.
But no matter if your beginner or advanced in practicing yoga: Without a good instructor that corrects you in case you are doing the exercise a wrong way, you lower the effect of your workout. Rely on the professional expertise of the team of Krama Yoga, based in Escazu and Pinares and start working on yourself.
Yoga Bomb – Strengthen Your Body
With this workout you get the year started right away: The instructors Esteban Salazar and Marco Amador are making you sweat with a combination of Power Vinyasa and functional training.

When? 25th January
Where? Krama Yoga in Escazú
When? 26th January
Where? Krama Yoga in Pinares
Summer Camp Krama 2017: Yoga for Young People
Yoga is not only healthy for adults: Kids and Teenagers are getting instructed to the beauty of practicing yoga at the Summer Camp Krama. Light up your prana in- and outdoor!

Summer Camp Krama Kids (6 to 9 years old)
Dates: 16th – 20th January
Times: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Price: $95
Summer Camp Krama & ZEN Fit (13 to 19 years old)
Dates: 23th – 27th January
Times: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Price: $150
For more information call +506 2215 – 3535 and visit Krama Yoga on Facebook (Click here).
Regular Specials of Krama Yoga: Yoga Brunch and Teacher Training

Some yoga in the morning really gets the day started. Combined with a good and healthy meal, the day can’t go wrong anymore. Therefore, Krama Yoga offers on February 11th a Yoga Brunch for $30.
For more information call +506 2215 – 3535 and visit Krama Yoga on Facebook (Click here).

If you are practice yoga on a very advanced level, you can also be trained as a teacher at Krama Yoga. In 200 hours of learning and practicing sponsored by Yoga Alliance you will achieve a international accepted license. The next class starts on March 31st.
For more information call +506 2215 – 3535 and visit Krama Yoga on Facebook (Click here).