
    Tito Oses, A Sense Of Pride For All Costa Ricans

    The creator of “Todos Somos Oscar”

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    Carlos Silvahttp:////
    Journalist, Writer, Hot Speaker, Proactive, Entrepreneur, believer and passionate about the world around me!
    Singer and composer

    Feeling art in the way that Tito Oses has expressed it with all his being, has given him excellent results. And is this is because to be an artist in the full extent of the word is to write, direct and also act in the same movie? As it has been the case of Tito Oses, a “Tico” that today more than ever is placing the name of our country very high.

    To complement all the success that is having now, it is expected that “Todos Somos Oscar” (We are all Oscar) premier will be in the Hollywood Chinese theater on April 5 at 3:30 in the afternoon.

    Let’s learn more about the production process of “Todos Somos Oscar”
    The development of this feature film counts with the participation of actors such as Álvaro Marenco and Thelma Darklings. Also, this production, although that those involved in it have been tight lip about the details, keeping the surprise for the Costa Rican spectator until the end, have been emphatic in saying that the film shows important realities that right now are being lived within our country.

    In addition to this, the photographer Mario Peraza also contributed his knowledge within the film, since he was in charge of supervising every detail with regard to the coloring and also to the final edition of the film. Within his contribution, we can also highlight the recording of the video clips of the soundtrack that is being used for the promotion of the film.

    “Algo me aleja, algo me acerca, conoce ¿Que es? (Something drives me away, something brings me closer. What is it?), this is the title of the song that identifies Todos Somos Oscar. This piece is the original music created by Nito Mestre.

    A Prophet in his land

    Flyer Todos Somos Oscar

    It is expected that this film will have great reception in Costa Rica, although the opinions of several experts have already been leaked. They had the opportunity to enjoy it behind closed doors, and the highlight has had very good reviews. Many of these come positive comments come from people very related to Costa Rican culture.
    Likewise, it is expected that the premiere of “Todos Somos Oscar” on Tico soil will take place in the month of August.

    The genesis of this movie production

    This film can be defined as an independent production, that began to materialize in 2015. This audiovisual is sought to achieve a healthy reflection towards our values as a society, the same ones that sometimes seem to have been lost.

    The plot focuses on discrimination and intolerance in many different forms. What is sought through this cinematographic material is to penetrate the public conscience and allow to change certain behaviors that are carried out in most cases involuntarily, that is, many times without realizing it?

    Todos Somos Oscar film

    In order for this film come to life, there were the joint efforts of around 70 people. And this effort has given quite positive results; because it already has been exhibited in important film festivals in different parts of the world such as Canada, Argentina, and Rome. As a curious fact, it is worth mentioning that in Canada this feature film managed to capture much attention and even won the prize for best foreign film.

    This film undoubtedly allowed Tito, to wander into past times, since the times of small theater studios. But before completing this ambitious project, he had only been able to show his talents in some video clips that he had self-directed. Particularly this aspect showed that for some time, Tito wanted to participate more fully in the performing arts to show his histrionic talent.

    From Costa Rica to Hollywood

    THE COSTA RICA NEWS team had the exclusive opportunity to talk with Tito Oses, about what it meant for him all the responsibility of having worked within this great project. Oses can be defined as an easy going and straight forward person and undoubtedly passionate about the different artistic branches he’s involved with
    Currently focused on the limelight he is having with “Todos Somos Oscar” in different parts of the world. The success of this project comes from everything that has been endeavored to materialize it. That almost perfect delivery of writing, directing and acting. It is also emphatic to say that the acclamation obtained particularly with this project is due to the dedication and passion with which he created this feature film, for all the world to admire.

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