The coffee culture in Costa Rica has moved into new experiences around this bean and drink that represents the country inside and outside its borders. One of those new experiences was qualifying for the first National Aeropress Championship, which takes place on August 19 at EremitaCervezaArtesanal, Escazú.
In the knockout phase, 44 participants entered, including professional baristas, amateurs and coffee enthusiasts. They were divided into groups of six and three people consecutively for their competition. Resulting in nine winners, who qualified for the championship. Among them are eight men and one woman, from different areas of the country and with different professions, but without a doubt, with one element in common, the love of coffee.The nine classified are: Víctor Cárdenas, Roger Mesén, Jose Carmona, Karen Centeno, Kevin Porras, Frank Sáenz, Julio Navarro, Dylan Aguilera and Jorjani Alfaro.
The best you can get
“It was a very particular process, we were able to see for the first time in an official coffee championship a mix between coffee professionals who make a living from this or who have simply studied it, or people we had never seen in a championship, in a competition in the world of coffee Some are customers, others are people who prepare it at home. But, it was very different, because it was observing different schools, converging in a single place and a single championship, looking for what they considered the best result of a cup of coffee, made in an Aeropress”, mentioned Gabriel Solís, one of the judges of the activity.
After the completion of said stage, the participants agreed on their fun, satisfaction and excitement for the championship. Jorjarni Alfaro, a resident of Nosara and a waiter at a restaurant in the area, described the experience as a “pleasant surprise.” Likewise, Karen Centeno, a barista at a local in Barrio Escalante, classified her as “phenomenal” and “pretty.”
The competition judges also shared with the participants their experiences and feelings towards the activity and process. “The experience has been truly challenging, but at the same time very interesting and fun. The judges have no idea what they are going to find there in the competition] and the criteria of thinking about which of the cups is the most complete, represents a meeting of emotions due to the many attributes that the drink has”, said the judge, Francisco Ramirez.
Super happy
Similarly, the organizers of Agua &Tiempo and the National Aeropress Championship, Carlos Alvarado and Wagner Ramírez, were satisfied with the qualifying process. “We are super happy, because the entire process has been what the Aeropress represents, a different device, but at the same time fun,” explained Ramírez.
Alvarado, highlights the great diversity of people who attended the event, from professionals in the field, enthusiasts of coffee culture, from different areas of the country and with different methods. “I think we are experiencing what specialty coffee in Costa Rica must really be, a meeting place, a place where we can all co-create what we want to do in a certain way, to celebrate coffee,” Alvarado explained.
This competition is of the utmost importance since the winner will have the opportunity to represent Costa Rica for the first time at the WAC2023 World Championship, in Melbourne, Australia at the end of 2023.
Agua &Tiempo is an initiative that aims to promote a community around the passion for coffee, so in the Aeropress National Championship, attendees will be able to enjoy live music, talks, activities and the opportunity to interact with producers and various national brands related to the world of coffee.The National Aeropress Championship is an open invitation to all coffee lovers to enjoy the culture, flavor and quality that Costa Rica offers.