Attracting foreigners to telecommute in Costa Rica will not be easy, however, this task will go ahead if a law that creates incentives is approved, according to Carlos Ricardo Benavides, a PLN deputy.
“Even in Japan they mention us as a country that is preparing to receive digital nomads. The world is in competition for this tourism and Costa Rica has a great opportunity that it must take advantage of and reactivate its economy,”said the deputy.
A tendency on the rise
This market is wide, since, during 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, remote working has been implemented in 88% of companies compared to 4% that used it before the crisis. In turn, 27% of workers in high-income countries could telework from home or from anywhere else in the world, estimated the International Labor Organization.
Eliminating the tax exemption on remittances and providing tax benefits to foreigners who come to telework and not to the entire family nucleus, are the main changes for the replacement text approved by the Legislative Tourism Commission on Digital Nomads.