Ten thousand people have already registered in Expoempleo 2017. They want to be chosen from 4000 candidates for only 4000 job posts available. The activity lasted two days: September 1st and 2nd at the National Stadium.
The event is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and the main entrance is across from Starbucks, in La Sabana. Twenty three companies will be collecting curriculum vitaes today.
Bimbo and TeleTech have joined this activity recently. Bimbo has been looking for bilingual job-seekers to work as groupers in marketing, marketing supervisors, sales supervisors, production supervisors amd occupational security supervisors.
On the other side, TeleTech is seeking to hire bilingual people as well, people who have at least a C1 level in English according to the European standards. Besides that, they prefer job-seekers who can speak the following languages:
- English
- Portuguese
- French
- German
Other five companies are looking to employ bilingual and no-bilingual applicants. They are: Grupo Preselección, Outsource, Empleos.Net, Pantera Negra and Bimbo.