
    Sexual Energy Cleaning: How is the Therapy That Will Help You Unblock the Chakras

    Did you know that we stay with the energy of our sexual partners for a while? This meditation-based therapy helps unblock the chakras

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    We experience sexual energy all the time in our body, either when it is very active or when we feel it a bit “blocked”. In this note we get fully into this last option: did you know that if you feel that your sexual energy is not flowing, it may be that you need a cleaning? We tell you what this therapy based on conscious meditations is about.

    Sex, an energetic exchange

    Sexual energy –also called kundalini– is housed in our second chakra, which is located two fingers below the navel, both in people with a penis and with a vulva. Throughout our lives we share our energy with the people closest to us, especially those with whom we have sexual relations, exchanging energy. And in that exchange, we inevitably keep part of the other person’s energy, whether we are aware of it or not. In such a way that it begins to be part of our energy system, influencing the way we function in the entire chakra system. Therefore, it is important to become aware of who we share energy with, whether it is a one-time sexual encounter or a relationship for years. Because we take the other person’s energy and make it our own.

    Where is that energy stored?

    It remains in our sacrum (our second chakra). And for how long? This will depend on how each one manages its polarity. Because this accumulation of external and own energies is a sum of experiences lived in this life, in previous lives (for those who believe in reincarnation) and the collective unconscious of the society where we were born and where we live, if it is different.

    How to see if we are blocked?

    Sometimes, it happens that this energy storage does not always flow naturally and in those cases “energy blockages” begin to be generated, not only in the sacral chakra, but in the others as well, since they are within the same system. A concrete way to become aware of blockages is to observe ourselves. In the first place, from the physical, if any disease or symptoms appear in the genitals.

    Another clear way to prevent being left with unwanted or harmful energy is to learn to be 100% present in each sexual encounter and be faithful and coherent with our own feelings, stopping when we don’t feel comfortable, chatting with our partners and setting healthy limits, desires and needs of each one. Another way is a more subtle observation, for example, if you feel that it is difficult for you to manifest material abundance or if, on the contrary, you tend to accumulate objects. You can also identify if you are relating to others from emotional attachment, if there are sexual frustrations or traumas regarding the body, among others.

    How is the cleaning done?

    Sacrouterine therapy is a multi-session therapy in which we work on recognizing, connecting and learning to manage sexual energy in a conscious and sacred way. Within this process, there is a key tool: sexual energy cleansing, which is done through a conscious meditation in which the dense information that may have been lodged in the body is alchemized. It is done in movement, and each person is the one who moves their own energy following the guide of a voice and music. It can be done in groups or individually and is done together with a preparation and subsequent therapeutic accompaniment. “I recommend being guided at the beginning by a therapist who accompanies the dynamics in a sacred way, until one is able to practice it in solitude,” says our expert. In this meditation, kundalini energy (sexual energy) is mobilized, turning it into medicine and thus making memories, pain, limiting beliefs and attachments lovingly cleansed, making space and leaving a feeling of connection, lightness and fullness.

    What are the benefits?

    The benefits are felt that same day and later, creating a new, clearer version of being, with changes in the relationship with yourself and with the environment. It is for any moment in life, but there are several key moments: if you have just finished a relationship, if you want to change the dynamics of a current relationship to improve it, and when starting a new one. Does it have to be repeated every once in a while? The frequency depends on the personal process of each one. But each healing then takes a time for decantation and assimilation, and space must be given for this movement to stabilize.

    Resonance Costa Rica
    At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. Visit and subscribe at Resonance Costa Rica Youtube Channel
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