A few days ago, information about Pelé’s state of health began to circulate, where they said that the Brazilian idol was quite delicate, but these rumors were denied by his daughter, KelyNascimiento, who reported that her father was fine and that he was only on routine in a medical center.Also, Pelé from his Instagram profile, spoke about it, sending a message of calm to all his followers where he expressed that he is strong and has a lot of hope.
Palliative care
However, today new information began to circulate about the state of health of Edson Arantes, since according to what the Brazilian media “Folha de São Paulo” reported this past Saturday, December 3rd, that the chemotherapy that Pelé is receiving is not giving result, so he went to exclusive palliative care.
The former Brazilian player, since September of the previous year, has been fighting against intestinal cancer.This new information has not yet been confirmed or denied by the Pelé family.