Papagayo Peninsula presented its fourth edition of the Sustainability Report with the results obtained during 2021. The company operates adhering to a sustainability strategy that generates a positive impact in the environmental, social and economic areas.
In an event held at the Museum of Guanacaste, Papagayo Peninsula presented, together with the Association Growing Together, an organization that leads the social management of the project, the main milestones for 2021. “In Papagayo Peninsula we have promoted a series of policies and we have assumed commitments that we have achieved maintain despite difficult situations such as the health crisis due to COVID-19. Even in those moments it is where we have seen that the success of our operation would not be possible without the impact generated by our commitment to sustainability”, said Manuel Ardón, Senior Vice President and Director of Operations of Papagayo Peninsula.
Some of the main achievements detailed by the organization in 2021 are:
-In environmental management
• 59 new terrestrial and marine species identified.
• More than 4,500 reproduced coral fragments and 950 m2 of intervened area in three coral restoration sites, thanks to the Culebra Reef Gardens project.
• 260 m2 of marine ecosystems intervened in the international event Coralmania.
Environmental protocols:
• 8 Ecological Blue Flag awards in the categories beaches, climate change and protected natural spaces.
Solid waste:
• 20 tons of waste were recycled in 2021.
• 16% reduction (90 tons) in the amount of non-recoverable waste in 2021.
Water resources:
• 100% of the residual water is processed in the treatment plants and 100% of the effluent is reused in irrigation of green areas.
-In social management
Labor practices:
• 81% of decision-making positions were held by local people in 2021.
• 11% increase in hiring in 2021
• 7.6% less incidence of multidimensional poverty in collaborators.
• Return Strategy- 21 educational centers in the circle of influence were supported with materials, supplies and requirements necessary to meet the demands of the Ministry of Health in returning to face-to-face classes.
• Connected Schools- 10 schools donated infrastructure for internet connection.
• Books for All- 1,071 students benefited from books for basic subjects.
• “Growing between Letters”- 472 primary school students benefited from tutorials to improve their reading and writing skills lagged behind by the pandemic.
• 200 additional tablets and headsets provided to teachers through the ABC Mouse project, so that each student has greater access to technology.
• US$ 260,118 donated for schools, colleges, families and community organizations in the area.
Community Development:
• 8,141 people benefited from the inauguration of the Corralillo Clinic and the operation of the Community Clinic.
• 63 new families that activated their economy with the Home Gardens Project.
-In economic management
Legal compliance and concession:
• Development of a marina, 1 golf course, 2 hotels, 101 condominium units, 41 residential units, and a beach club.
-Constructions recently completed and in process
• 55.36% of spending allocated to local suppliers.
“We are convinced that sustainability is the way to build a better country and a better world. Prioritizing the well-being of people, protecting the environment and working in partnership for the development of the communities where we operate are the keys to generating positive value from the companies and contributing from our businesses to having a better quality of life and a better planet, Ardón added.
The fourth edition of the report includes the operations of the companies EcodesarrolloPapagayoLimitada (project developer) and Marina Papagayo Limitada and since its first edition in 2018 it uses the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards as a reference, to annually report its sustainability performance.