
    Eating a Healthy Breakfast Guarantees your Health

    The most important meal of the day

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    Doctors are never tire of saying “The first meal of the day is the most important”. A contribution of energy is vital for the body to start its journey full of resources, do not neglect it, it will help you stay healthy.

    When getting up after brushing your teeth, breakfast is necessary and mandatory, leaving without eating a bite is not recommended, especially if it is small children, they go to school and there they become a volcano of activities, more than enough reason not to let them go with nothing in their stomachs, according to experts, breakfast should provide us with a quarter of the calories we consume throughout the day, therefore it is the most important food of the day to maintain energy.

    Having a calm breakfast is another recommendation to follow, it is vitally important to get up in time to have breakfast calmly the first meal of the day, going in a hurry does not benefit our health, eating a sandwich or a sweet snack on the way to work does not contribute to any benefit except saturated fat. Carbonated drinks aren’t the best way to start the day, either.

    A healthy breakfast involves a good dose of vitamins; Fruits or natural juices constitute the necessary contribution to maintain a physical and intellectual performance that allows to cope work and studies.

    You should take advantage of the great variety of fruits that the market offers, liquefy the juiciest ones. By having time for a good healthy breakfast, chop up fruits of your choice and add lemon or yogurt so that you will have a healthy breakfast.

    Bad diets carried out without the control of a nutritionist do not contribute to losing weight or gaining it, as the case may be, avoiding the intake of dairy products does not help weight loss, however it prevents us from ingesting proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts and other components.

    Desayuno, Jugo De Naranja, Pan, Trigo Integral

    Some people think that skipping breakfast prevents weight gain and they end up consuming more calories throughout the day. Nutritionists recommend, above all, to children of school age a breakfast that includes milk or a dairy derivative, because it provides calcium and awakens the brain, facilitating learning and eliminating the laziness that sometimes overwhelms them.

    By changing eating habits, we improve our body. Do not forget that first thing in the morning is when our body is most receptive to all the nutrients that we can provide; For example, cereals rich in fiber, in addition to containing unbeatable nutritional properties, add a really very favorable contribution for the body to regulate the intestines in a natural way, avoiding constipation, do not skip it.

    Accompany them with milk and fruits and you will be surprised how pleasant to the palate it is in the morning.

    A continental-style breakfast with eggs, ham and some cold meats, juice and coffee, do not doubt that it will be proof against any fatigue during the day.

    So to eat well and do as the grandparents said “Breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar” just like that and with a balanced diet you get good nutrition.

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