That the headquarters of the Costa Rican Executive Power move from Zapote to other more central points of the capital is not a new idea. The current government also values it.President Rodrigo Chaves said this Wednesday that there are no closed options.
He was even asked directly about the case of the “Casa Amarilla”, current headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this regard, it was consulted whether it would be feasible to carry at least part of the operations there.”Everything is possible, we are evaluating the options, but in life everything is possible,” he said.
Other plans for the Presidential House
The current Presidential House has housed the Executive Power since 1980, that is, since the administration of former President Rodrigo Carazo.The building was conceived as the headquarters of the Ferticacompany and its design was in charge of the renowned Mexican architect Pedro Ramírez Vazquez.
In the last decades the plans of a transfer had several debates
During the second administration of Óscar Arias (2006-2010) a first attempt was made to settle in the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture. Then an international loan was valued to build offices near the Legislative Assembly.
In the previous four-year term, a project came to the Legislative Assembly to generate the so-called Bicentennial Civic District. This would cover from 8th to 9th Avenue and from 5th to 23rd Street, for a total area of about 15 km².
In the area, currently made up of the Cathedral and El Carmen districts, there are already important buildings such as the Judicial Power, the new Legislative Assembly and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), with the Presidential House being the great absentee.