
    Mexican Congress Approves that Police can Enter Homes to Rescue Abused Animals

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    The plenary session of the Mexican Congress, through a virtual session, approved a reform to the Animal Protection Law, an initiative proposed by the deputy of Morena, Leiticia Varela.

    From now on, the members of the Animal Protection Brigade (BVA) of the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC) will be able to enter homes to rescue animals that are abused.

    The reform must be published in the Official Gazette. Meanwhile, article 10 of said law establishes: “It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Security, within the scope of its competence: to rescue animals from within a home at the time the crime of mistreatment against animals is being committed. The officers who enter must have certain data, derived from a direct perception, being decisive the urgency of the fact, so that the interference becomes unpostponable, either to avoid the consummation of an offense or to stop its effects”.

    It was also established that: “the police elements that carry out the rescue inside a home must ensure the physical integrity of the animals and the people who are inside. Once the rescue has been carried out, they must draw up a detailed record in the place, in the presence of two witnesses proposed by the occupant of the home; if there are no people who could testify, or whoever occupies the domicile refuses to propose witnesses, the police officers will establish it in the minutes”.

    The reform of the law was approved unanimously by the CDMX. The deputy Carlos Castillo affirmed that with the new regulation it will be possible to achieve that “domestic animals can be rescued and have a better life condition.”

    Indispensable legal tool

    Ricardo Fuentes, legislator of Morena, emphasized that it was necessary to approve the reform due to the numerous cases of animal abuse that have been registered in Mexico City.

    The Animal Protection Law aims to protect animals, guarantee their well-being, provide them with care, good treatment, maintenance, accommodation, natural development, health and avoid abuse, cruelty, suffering, zoophilia and the deformation of their physical characteristics. The regulation has 77 articles and will be in force as of this year 2002.

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