Meet Those Charming Places in Montezuma

Palm-Lined Coast and Blue Ocean Is the Perfect Combination to Relax

What to see in Montezuma? We are convinced that you will like this place instantly. You cannot stand the desire to know those essential beaches of Montezuma where you can walk almost alone.

One of the beaches of Montezuma

The sea is warm and rough, perfect for surfing or swimming. From the water, you only see the jungle, so look where you look. The crabs move laterally to the rhythm of Reggae; it is like they start humming.

And just listening to those song-humming gives you a feeling of optimism and good vibes. You feel in a bohemian and hippie environment, at the same time. Here, stress is neither known nor expected.

Leaves fall from the trees. You think it is the wind but it is not that; they are the howler monkeys that confirm that you are not alone in the Cabo Blanco Reserve. You continue the Swedish path, soaked in rain, and sweat.

Deer jump in pairs; you see an armadillo for the first time and the ‘guatusas’ eat to maintain that plump body. Almost without realizing it, you have reached your goal: one of the most paradisiacal beaches to see in Montezuma.

What to see in Montezuma? Essential natural reserves

If you want to know the oldest reserve in Costa Rica, you have to go to the Cabo Blanco Absolute Nature Reserve. From Montezuma to this reserve, it is 11 kilometers away from the reserve, but Santa Teresa and Cabuya are also nearby.

This reserve covers the entire southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. Evergreen forests await you that grow from the wet micro-climate.

In the Cabo Blanco nature reserve, you can go hiking. It was probably the hike you enjoy most during the trip to Costa Rica.

Cabo Blanco has 2 trails: the Danish trail, a unique 2-kilometer trail that takes you through the forest and the Swedish trail that leads for 4.5 kilometers to a beach where you can cool off after the walk.

Here are some of the unmissable beaches of Montezuma:

Montezuma Beach

It has bluish-green water, the perfect temperature for a swim and a lot of fish. It is the closest beach to the town center, just north of the ‘Cocolores’ restaurant.

Montezuma Beach

Piedra Colorada (Red Stone)

If you continue the path from Montezuma Beach, you will reach Piedra Colorada, a cove where a small waterfall forms a freshwater well. And there are some monoliths of stones, a local tradition.

And why is it called ‘Piedra Colorada’? It is called this because of the stones of striking colors that characterize this small beach, dragged by the river that bears the same name.

Grand Beach: One of the favorite beaches to see in Montezuma

Without a doubt, Playa Grande from the path of the town center; it takes about 30 minutes to walk. On this beach, white sand, turquoise waters of the Pacific and lush vegetation of the Montezuma Biological Reserve awaits you.

This beach is also the most famous surf beach in the area and here you can only enjoy 30 km of sand, only next to hundreds of crabs that accompany you. This beach is essential in Montezuma if you will understand why.

What to do in Montezuma for free? Hallucinate with the unmissable sunrises to contemplate in Montezuma!

If there is anything Montezuma can boast, it is to have the best sunrises in the area. When you are on vacation, if you usually get up early, you will love watching it every day.

You do not know what pleasure it will give you to wake up when it is dawn and with a spectacular view of the Pacific. If you add to this that at that time the probability of seeing animals is greater you will not think of anything better than doing in Montezuma.

Be amazed at the size of the Cabuya Ficus…

The Ficus de Cabuya is the largest strangler fig tree in Costa Rica, 40 meters high and 22 meters in diameter. You can see it on the road that goes from Montezuma to Cabuya or also when you go from Montezuma to the Cabo Blanco Absolute Nature Reserve. It is really impressive, to say the least!

Bathe in the waterfalls of Montezuma

Have you ever seen a triple waterfall? In the Montezuma waterfall, you will find the first waterfall with a natural pool where you can cool off; this one is shallow.

Montezuma waterfall

From this waterfall, you have to continue a path through which you reach the second set of waterfalls. If you like strong emotions … Here you can jump from 10 meters high!

To get to the jump point, do not even think about climbing the waterfall; it is very dangerous! Instead, you have to go around the path on the side.

From here you have the option to continue climbing to the third group of waterfalls where you can feel like Tarzan boy for a day jumping into the pool grabbed by a rope.

We suggest that, when you visit Costa Rica, you make a plan so that you do not miss visiting Montezuma. So you will not miss each of its spectacular places that await you!

SOURCEYohander Rodríguez
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