Regardless of what day of the week it is, it is becoming more and more common for us to run into people who walk the streets of our communities, doing sports and recreational activities such as hiking, running or cycling.
According to Mónica Chaves, head of Laboratorios Páez, this search for a healthier and more active lifestyle must be comprehensive and accompanied by the recommendations of various experts in medicine, sports and nutrition.
A good medical follow-up is associated with routine check-ups that allow us to know how prepared the body is for a physical effort to which it is not accustomed or, if the exercise is appropriate to the state of health of each person.
Among the Lab check-ups that every person who plays sports or wants to start should consider, are:
Complete Blood Count: This is a blood test that measures the number and types of cells in the blood and allows doctors to check a person’s overall health.

Glucose: Muscle glycogen, which is the main store of glucose in the body, and blood glucose are the main energy substrates for muscle contraction during exercise. Therefore, it is essential that everyone who plays sports have good control of their glucose to avoid imbalances.
Lipid Profile: This test is essential to assess the risk of developing cardiovascular disease due to a disorder in lipid metabolism.
Uric Acid: when this acid is uncontrolled, it can cause pain or swelling in the joints, especially in the big toe, ankle or knee, affecting the athlete’s routine.
Sodium: Knowing your sodium levels will give your doctor important insight into the function of your nerves and muscles.
Potassium: Potassium helps nerves and muscles communicate. It also helps move nutrients into cells and remove waste products from cells.
Chloride: A chloride test is done as part of a routine blood test to monitor your health. It is also used to diagnose problems related to an acid-base or fluid imbalance in the body.
Total protein: The result of this test is intended to detect certain nutritional problems, as well as possible kidney and liver diseases.
Total CPK: This is a very important checkup since it helps in the diagnosis of diseases such as heart attack, kidney or lung failure, among others.