A majority of the population of Costa Rica is in favor of the project to modernize working hours. This is shown by the News Survey of the School of Statistics of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). In it, 52.9% of those interviewed said they agreed, while 38.8% opposed it and only 8.4% did not know or did not respond. In addition, 49.6% said that they would go to these conferences if they had the opportunity, and 49.5% agreed that the initiative would benefit national companies.
Another outstanding point that emerges from the survey is that it is a topic about which the population is quite aware. “65% of the people surveyed affirmed that they have heard or read about this topic, mainly those people aged over 50 (70.3%), between 30 and 49 years (68.9%), with income sufficient (70%) and with university education (82.6%) and without significant differences between men and women”, highlights the survey report.
The Jornadas 4/3 project is being analyzed by the Treasury Commission and one of the main obstacles is the number of working hours that it would allow. (File/The Observer)
Why would they change the workinghours pattern?
As highlighted above, half of the population indicated that, given the opportunity, they would switch to Matchdays 4-3. The responses are divided as follows: 49.6% would change, 44% would not and there is 6.5% who are not sure.
The profile of those who would change is made up mainly of people between 30 and 49 years of age (55.4%); as well as those with sufficient income (53.3%). In the group that would reject the new days, there are mainly people over 50 years of age (48.3%) and with insufficient salaries to pay for their needs (48%).
Asked why they would make the change, 47.5% said that to have more rest time, 16% stated that to carry out other activities and 12.5% indicated that to spend more time with their family. The reasons for those who reject the adjustment allege fatigue (35.7%), the habit of current schedules (15.8%) and doubts about overtime pay (9.8%).
The survey was applied by telephone from October 6th to November 6th of 2022 throughout the country. It has a sample of 1,873 people and a margin of error of ±2.3 points; 47 UCR Statistics students participated in this data processing.