As of April 13th and until the 30th of this same month, the vehicle restriction that took place in San José will be extended throughout the country, as part of the preventive measures during the national Coronavirus emergency.
Michael Soto, Minister of Public Security, explained that from Monday to Friday there will be a daytime restriction from 5 a.m. until 7 p.m. Thus, it will not be allowed to circulate vehicles with plates finished in:
• Monday: 1 and 2
• Tuesday: 3 and 4
• Wednesday: 5 and 6
• Thursday: 7 and 8
• Friday: 9 and 0
For example, if your license plate ends in 2, you will not be able to leave in a vehicle on Monday, but you can between Tuesday and Friday. From 7 pm. and until 5 a.m., no one will be able to transit, only with the exceptions already indicated of food transportation and essential work movements.

As for weekends, between 5 a.m. and 7p.m, you can only circulate for going to supermarkets, pharmacies or medical appointments: 2,4,6,8 plates cannot circulate on Saturday, while 0,1,3,5,9 plates have no movement on Sunday. Regarding public transportation, it will provide service between 4:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., while taxis will do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
On the other hand, non-essential commercial establishments, will continue to be closed until April 30th, Daniel Salas, Minister of Health, reported that these are:
• Pubs
• Discotheques
• Casinos
• Theaters
• Cinemas
• Beaches
• Gyms
Regarding the public services provided by the Executive and Judicial Power, Salas indicated that the restriction is maintained so that only 20% of the staff attend the offices in order to provide those essential services.
The Minister urged the public and private sectors to keep telecommuting. In those cases where the employee has risk factors and his position is not teleworkable, he advised the advancement of vacations.
It should be remembered that for the resumption of the school year there is no date indicated, while for private schools and colleges they were prohibited from returning to face-to-face classes starting this Monday, April 13th.