With a score of 106.25% for its performance in the execution and implementation of environmental practices, the Costa Rican National Learning Institute (INA) received the Recognition of Environmental Excellence. In the evaluation carried out, the INA keeps updated records on its consumption and what the rational use of resources such as water, electricity, fuel and paper implies.
Likewise, in the analysis made by the Environmental Quality Management Directorate, the proper management of both ordinary, special and hazardous waste was verified, by incorporating good environmental practices and seeking to prevent contamination.
Under environmental, social and economic criteria, the INA promotes sustainable public purchases in the acquisition of goods and services within its environmental policies.
However, the sustainable work of the institution does not stop there
Photovoltaic panels are used and in new constructions the use of rain and organic waste is taken into account, as well as the implementation of smart meters and policies such as zero paper, among other actions.
Part of the recognition of Environmental Excellence, includes the National Carbon Neutrality Plus Certification and International Certification of the INTE-ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.
In order to grant this award, a face-to-face visit is made to the Institution to verify that the measures of the Institutional Environmental Management Program have been correctly implemented.
“This recognition is achieved with what is established by the INA Board of Directors in the Institutional Strategic Plan, transversal axis ‘Sustainability’ (…) This is an incentive to continue forward giving the greatest effort, in search of leaving a better environmental footprint in the planet”, said Laura Barrantes, in charge of Quality Consulting.
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