The Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG) received the visit of representatives from the Amazon Conservation Team’s (ACT) for Costa Rica, Colombia and the United States, who spent three days learning about the restoration projects that have been carried out in ACG over the years.
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT) was founded with the mission of working with indigenous and local communities to protect the Amazon, believing that local people are the best protectors of their territories.
Many activities
During the visit they learned a little about ACG history from Daniel Janzen and Roger Blanco in the Santa Rosa Sector, they made a field trip to the Bahía Tomas Mangrove in Cuajiniquil La Cruz Guanacaste, where María Marta Chavarría told them about the process that has been been carrying out since 2017, as well as the tour of other sites with the person in charge of the Jaguar Program of the National University Victor Montalvo who showed them and explained about the monitoring with camera traps, which have been essential in the development of this investigation.

Original idea
As an interesting detail, the co-founder of ACT, Costa Rican Liliana Madrigal, was the person who in November 1985, at a meeting in Washington, introduced Dr. Janzen and Winnie Hallwachs to the concept of what an NGO (non-governmental organization) and what is its purpose and usefulness; because as academic-scientists they were unaware of the existence of this type of organization. From this “discovery” and initially “using” the support of the NGO called The Nature Conservation, Dr. Janzen began to germinate what today is the ACG.
In the 1980s, Doña Liliana Madrigal played a very important role together with Mr. Alvaro Ugalde and other Costa Rican conservationists in the search for financial resources for our national parks.
For the management of the ACG, this type of experience is very important, since it allows us to show the ACG worldwide and interact with different NGOs, providing knowledge that allows the perpetual conservation of the ACG and knowledge of the biodiversity that inhabits it.

For those who have experienced shifts in consciousness and know that more peace, joy, and love awaits in a better living environment. A bold shared vision. A living community and hub for innovation. A sustainable ecosystem for living and working. A model for the new future.