
    Get Out of the Matrix! There is a Better World for You

    Being proactive and taking control

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    Creating a Conscious alternative news network that we feel the world needs. Pura Vida!

    Have you ever wondered if you live in the real world? Personally, I think we all live in something similar to the Matrix in the movie. Our daily lives are filled with activities, stimuli and distractions that prevent us from seeing reality as it is. The news, work, consumerism, Facebook, obligations, traffic jams, series, WhatsApp… a bombardment that prevents us from thinking for ourselves.

    It makes us live in a world of stress, of rush, of complaints, of lack of time, of dissatisfaction, of worries, of fears… We navigate through that world with the autopilot activated, following a destiny marked by others.

    But I am also convinced that there is a parallel world in which everything is going well. A world of peace, coherence, gratitude, happiness… Our goal in life should be to find this world, instead of trying to achieve “success” according to the rules established in the Matrix. Sometimes, I am lucky enough to come across people who seem to have found this parallel reality. And each time I am struck by the evidence that their lives are governed by different rules than mine.

    In order to get out of the Matrix, the first thing you must do is realize that you are trapped inside. This can be achieved by reducing the external noise, so that you can begin to tune in with yourself. The good news is that, unlike in the movie, you will not have to fight anyone to get out of the Matrix. There is no bad guy in this story. No one but you has put you there, and it is only up to you to decide whether you want to stay or leave.

    It is up to you to choose the path you want to follow:

    You choose your path. Blue pill or red pill?

    Take the blue pill and everything will continue as before. You will forget the existence of this parallel reality and you will go back to navigating in automatic mode as you have done until now. Take the red pill and everything will change forever. You will wake up to a new world full of coherence, dreams and illusions.

    When you discover this world, you will understand that:

    Life is a game and only you decide the rules

    The pill I propose you take is not the same for everyone and must be adapted to each one. But what I am clear about is that the essential active principles are CONSCIOUSNESS and PROACTIVITY:

    Consciousness allows us to review our current paradigms and open ourselves to this other reality. And for that, a good way to awaken consciousness is through meditation that helps us see things from the outside, with a certain distance. Proactivity is the ability to decide what we want to do with our life, without complaint or victimhood. It allows us to have an active role in our change.

    I leave you with an inspiring quote and practical advice:

    “And remember, you decide your life if you don’t want others to decide for you!”

    “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. That made all the difference! Robert Frost”

    Resonance Costa Rica
    At Resonance, we aspire to live in harmony with the natural world as a reflection of our gratitude for life. Visit and subscribe at Resonance Costa Rica Youtube Channel
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